Rectum bleeding & throwing up bile

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    Thank you and I am sorry about your inner ear infection. We did go back to the GI specialst yesterday and only until I mentioned the vomitting did he then think there was an upper blockage like your pops, Jen. She is having an upper scan on Friday. She see’s her oncologist on Thursday, as well.
    She has those “great” days but most, not so much. I am with her all of the time, trying to keep her spirits up. Knowing that I lost my dad to CC two months ago is still heartwrenching and consumes my mind.
    We should have a better understanding after the results from both scans, she is having another Pet/CT next week too.

    Jen my heart is with you. I feel your sadness as I have watched my Hero battle this for so long. I am blessed to have her these additional 17 months. Life is gift and when the time comes it is then an eternal gift. Having to think about losing both of my parents in one year to CC is mind blowing.

    God Bless all of you & I will let you know what they say.



    Hi Jen, I was happy to see you posted as I have been thinking about you and your family. Your dad reminds me so much of Teddy. So strong, and just not ready yet. I used to tell Teddy, God is not ready for him yet, he is still looking for a house. Hang in there and hang strong!


    My Dad is getting closer to the end every day, and throws up any time he eats or drinks anything (often including his pills at this point). He has an obstruction, which isn’t allowing any food or liquids to pass through him. They were hoping an enema would clear things up, but the blockage is too high up, and he is now on steroids to try to help things. I hope this isn’t the case with your Mom, and I agree with Marion and Lainy – it should definitely be addressed with the doctor.

    Because Dad is in the end stages, they will do nothing but try a few different medications and keep him comfortable, since even an IV or subcutaneous fluids are more then his poor little body can handle, but if your Mom isn’t at that point, hopefully there is more they can do.

    Thinking of you.



    T.J……In addition to Lainy’s thoughts I might add that the thickened intestine may not allow any food to pass including stomach acid. Did they send your Mom home without any further instructions? T.J. you must make sure that your Mom is comfortable and I would advise you to speak with her oncologist immediately. That is of course if your Mom allows you to do so. If the vomiting does not stop or at least slow down then I would not hesitate and take Mom back to the hospital and have them deal with it. Either way, this is a time to become very proactive. Please, keep us posted.
    All my best wishes,


    Hi TJ, sorry about the delay but I have an inner ear infection and not sure what I am typing from being dizzy! I know, I know what is so different from my normal!
    I am glad Moms bleeding stopped. I would be guessing at the throwing up of bile but would think infection? Have you asked the doctor? I do know it is not right and I would definitely call him. I don’t remember if mom has a stent but if so it could be infected. Also go to our search engine and type in ‘vomit bile’ and I am sure some posts will appear. Good luck with it and please let us know how Mom is doing again!


    No thoughts? None of you???


    As many of you know, my mommys cancer has popped its head again, this time to her lungs. She started chemo again, 2 cycles, and became violently ill on Memorial Day. We rushed her to the hospital where she was bleeding from her rectum and throwing up bile. She is 5’/106 #’s. While @ the hospital, they tried to perform a colonoscopy but found her left side of the intestine to be “thickened” and could not do it so she had a scan but do to throwing up she was not able to keep the contrast down and the scan was inconclusive. After a week stay, she has returned home. Her oncologist will re-scan her when she is up to it, I assume early next week but has stopped chemo in the meantime.

    My question is… Why is she throwing up so much bile, still? The bleeding in her rectum has stopped.



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