Recurrence, options for cure

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    Marion and Julie. You are wonderful with your willing to care and share! I have a PET scat tomorrow and surgery will be determined based on results. I’ll will definitely get tumor sample tested. Marching forward. Thanks much! God Bless. -Dennis


    Julie…thanks for chiming in. I believe you are correct, Julie, in that metastasized mutations differ from that of the primary tumor.




    I agree with Marion,….an assessment for another surgery by a qualified surgeon would be my first start. I have had a recurrence of intrahepatic CC and had a 2nd surgery. If I remember right, your CC was not intrahepatic, but it’s worth checking into the possibility of a resection along with adjuvant chemo.. At the same time, they could do that in order to get a sample of the new tumors that have popped up because sometimes there is a mutation from the original tumor mutations, if I understand this right……how Mayo explained it to me. Marion?… that correct? The original tumor may have different mutations than these new ones.

    I haven’t had the need to try something like Keytruda, but if it applies to your tumor testing, It might be work it…… some people on here have had excellent results with it so far.

    Am thinking about you and hoping you find a new direction to chart your course and get the better of the CC monster again.

    Julie T.


    Dennis….so sorry to hear of the recurrence. If it were me, I would contact the surgeon for assessment of additional surgery. Has your tumor been tested for genomic information? If not so, then I would request the surgeon to order this testing.

    Much to think about, but you have options, dear Dennis.



    Hello all. It’s been months since my last update and I was hoping to post ‘Good News’. And although I feel good, my latest scans are concerning. Two small spots on my liver and elevated CA19-9 have my doctors (and me) assuming recurrence. As my doctors put a game plan together I am supporting w my own research and getting a 2nd opinion. Currently I see options as 1) surgergical removal of spots w adjunctive chemo. 2) Clinical trial (Keytruda looks most promising). Asking my CC brothers and sisters for their insights into these (or other) options. My intro post w original details is below. Regards and God Bless you all. – Dennis

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