Red meat and Cancer

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  • #90082

    She must love you loads then!!! :)


    I think you would have to eat a truck load. The only processed Deli I eat is thin sliced turkey. I can’t stand to even look at the processed deli. On the other hand what about a few women lately in the news who claim they have had bacon daily and are in their 100’s. I LOVE bacon!!! At 75 not giving up the bacon. I believe moderation is the key. My Granddaughter and I could eat it every meal we love it so much. She found a little sign she gave me that says, “I love you more than bacon”.


    Wild speculative claims in some of the worlds media today re red meat and cancer, some claiming it is worse than smoking. Seriously….. sigh!

    No doubt that some of the less than serious news organisations, papers etc will make all sorts of outlandish claims on the back of this story so please take a look at this piece from cancer Research in the UK for a much better informed and balanced take on the story etc.

    Processed meat and cancer – what you need to know –

    As far as some of the headlines I have read today saying a bacon buttie giving you cancer, sighing once again and GRRRRRRING!!!


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