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    Hope you have a good day as well Lainy. And of course, I hope your meeting with the new onc goes well too. And Ha! Teddy talking more than you!! Love it!! I’m surprised that anyone else managed to get a word in whilst around the two of you!! And Sunday football with the guys and your cooking, you know I’d have loved that day!!

    Hope you get your rain! We’re in for a good bit of that over the next few days as well.


    Hi Gavin and Percy! I woke up to a very dark morning and thunder, could it be rain? I sure hope so.

    RE: Communicating, I believe, is how we got through. Well you know I like to talk and Teddy was worse than me, ha, ha. But we talked about everything and I mean everything which gave us both comfort. And we laughed a lot. His only request was that I never cry in front of him and I had to honor that ONE request. Our family and friends were very good but I always made sure only 2 visitors at a time and large spaces in between as he would get worn out. Not just that but I felt if someone is taking time to see him, that time should just be for them as long as it was only for 1/2 hour. What he liked best was Sunday Football and different guys would come over and I would make them lunch and I would leave for a couple of hours. But yes, communication I believe is so important. Perhaps that is why he communicates with me so much now! Ha Ha
    Say, I am going to my new ONC today at 3PM. Just a little nervous but I am only on a watch program. She is 35 and Graduated from Duke U. of Med. I need to get my Scan scheduled. I was so impressed as the office gal said to me, “I will call MDA, Banner Hospital and your GP and get everything we need, you don’t have to do a thing”. Have a good day, boys!


    Hi Percy,

    Thanks for that and yes, your comments are very related to what I posted. My dad went through a similar thing after his diagnosis with one of his friends that he had known for nearly 40 years. He used to bump into his friend every few weeks or so around here and they would talk a bit etc. Then after my dads diagnosis, he got the feeling that his friend didn’t really know how to talk to him when they bumped into each other and I guess that dads friend found it hard to accept and just plain didn’t know how to deal with it. When I used to bump into him, he would always ask me how dad was, how he was doing and to pass on his best etc. I am friends with my dads mates son too, we grew up together and have been friends for years and he is similar to his dad in that way, not comfortable about talking about stuff like that. He too would always ask about my dad and they were both at his funeral, but they just were not good at talking about certain things. I guess that some people are just that way. Me on the other hand, I’ll talk about anything and talking about it all certainly helped me deal with everything, better for me I think than hiding it away and perhaps ignoring it. Human nature indeed Percy!

    I can understand your professional friends loving seeing you and wanting to talk with you every time they see you in the hallway, and you know that we all love seeing you too!

    For sure I’ll be saying hi to my mum from you today as well, she loves hearing from you as well! 76, cold, ha! That’s a good day for us! We even got up to near the 90’s last week and that was blisteringly hot for us. Had thunder and lightening storms here these last few days and the rain has worked wonders for the gardens!

    Stay strong my friend,



    My comment below may not relate that much of what you have posted above.But i think is related .

    The funny thing is some of my friends or relatives will acceptme and others will politely keep their distances away from me when they know I have cancer.

    I think it is the human nature and not a big deal ; for example, my wife does not want to talk about it, but I let everyone in my high school (almost 170 of them)that I still communicate with know about it.
    The most interesting thing is that all my professional friends whom I work with love to see and talk to me when they see me in the hallway. i am a kind of a “miracle poster” for them since they knew of my diagnosis more than 4 years ago.
    Say hi to your mum for me for a change, today is cold (76F) compare to 90F just a few days ago.

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