Remembering and Giving Thanks for my Mom

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    Calida, Thank you for sharing and reminding us of the things to be thankful for. I hope my memories will be as pleasant.


    A becautiful reminder of a women loved and cherished. Thanks for sharing this beautiful link with us.
    Have a happy Thanksgiving Day.
    Best wishes,


    Thankfulness is the number one lesson learned from my mother’s illness. Thankfulness for time, memories, laughter, and family. Thanksgiving 2007, I spent the day cooking my first Thanksgiving dinner for my uncle, brother, and mother. We gathered in the living room where my mother’s bed was, set the table there, and shared our meal. It was quiet and left me feeling immensely grateful for the experience. My mother lost her battle with cancer early the next morning and I couldn’t help but think that Thanksgiving was the most appropriate time for this to happen. Each year I find myself not being sad, instead, I feel my spirit fill with gratitude for the privilege of being part of her life. This is the link to the slide show played at the celebration of her life. I find it uplifting to reflect on her life and all of the happy moments captured in these photographs. Please enjoy, and have a Happy Thanksgiving filled with your own moments of thankfulness.

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