Remembering JeffG

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance Remembering JeffG

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    Dearest Alan’s Mom, You really had so much loss in such a short time I find it remarkable but happy that you are doing so well now. What a wonderful idea to have a cherry tree planted and a bench to look at the lovely blossoms.
    My Teddy passed almost 10 months ago and when I feel really down I say to myself, “Shame on you, you were so lucky to have for 16 years what most never have in a lifetime”. And then I am ok again for awhile. I think we each have to find our own little niche of what works for us but keep up your good work and I send you hugs and best wishes.


    Hya all and hopefully Jeffs family I still lurk on here every week sometimes more. I came on hear and Jeff gave me so much of himself. I will never forget him or this site.

    Since losing Alan my beloved lovely son in 58 days to cholangio, I have also lost my husband of 52 years.
    My husband and I had been told just a month prior to Alans diagnosis that he had only one year to 18 months as he had kidney failure. He managed to hang on for an extra year. (diabetes 56yrs).

    I now realise I did not have time to grieve for Alan at the time due to my husbands illness. However, after 5 long years,lots of heartache, illness and stress I realise life is getting easier. My tears still flow but I accept them as part of my love for Alan and my hubbie. Alans friends and our family planted a lovely cherry tree and provided a bench for people to sit on at our local cricket ground. My only wish for all of us is that as time goes by we will all gain peace and love in our hearts. Love and Light to you all Alan’s mom


    Just wanted to say that I totally and completely agree with everything that has been said about Jeff. He made such a positive impact on us all, was always there for everyone and nothing was too much trouble for him no matter what he was going through himself. He is sorely missed and will never ever be forgotten.



    Hi Darla….it always is nice for you to pop in on us.


    Well said Marion and oh so true.

    Love & Hugs,


    Margaret…..Our JeffG was a hero to us all. I agree with you; Jeff’s wisdom, kindness, and caring will continue to guide us forever. He will never be forgotten.
    Margaret, I don’t believe that we will ever get over the loss of our loved ones. My husband passed away in 2007 and not one day goes by without my thinking of him. The pain has lessoned, the memories have become my treasures, but nothing has filled the hole left in my heart.
    All my best wishes,


    Hello Margaret, nice to hear from you and hope you are doing well. JeffG is missed by us all. He was also the first for me when Teddy was diagnosed in August of 2005. He was a brilliant, kind, charming and funny man. We used to exchange jokes by e mail. I learned so much from him and I know I would have never made it through without the help of Jeff and Marion. Every once in a while it is so nice to remember those that have passed. Take care and best wishes.

    Your Father, through your memories
    Will never leave you.
    You will feel his tender care from now on
    As a warm serenity in your heart.
    Hoping you always feel the encouragement
    Of his love, and hold in memory
    All the happy times you spent together


    Hi Margaret. As one of those “newbies”, I look forward to hearing more about Jeff and yourself. Perhaps I’ll do a search and find out what a grand person he was. Continue your journey, Margaret, and know there is always love and support here.



    I also would like to express sincere appreciation for Jeff and his selfless willingness to help others. Like Jolene, I also joined the site in the spring of 2008 after my father was diagnosed. I also was a “lurker” with the exception of a couple inquiries. And as so many others have shared, Jeff was the first to promptly respond in detail with his experiences, advice and concern. My father passed away nearly four months later in 2008 and the loss of my amazing father continues to be tremendously felt in so many ways.

    Today is the first I checked back with the board since then. I immediately did a search to see how Jeff was doing and came across all of these tributes to his leadership and kindness. It’s obvious that his kind posts continue to help others navigate through this difficult journey.



    Your Dad was such a special guy, it’s understandable that you still miss him and always will. Anyone that was lucky enough to know him, even here in cyberspace, misses him dearly. Grieving is a long hard process and everyone handles things differently. I know that if I lose my husband who is also my very best friend that I will probably cry for years, in fact I sometimes cry now just thinking about it! So crying is not a bad thing unless you are feeling so blue that it is affecting your ability to function and take care of your babies,etc. You may just need some counseling or join a support group so that you can talk to people who understand. Close friends are great but unless they have been through this it really is hard to fully comprehend the sadness you are feeling. Please feel free to come here and vent or cry or ask for help in any way. I hope things do get better. I guess we all just have to take things one day at a time! Take care, Mary


    Dearest Rachel, so often I still think of your dad, and you know he is still very much around. Just the other day I recommended that someone go to the JeffG
    Posts to find out about something and then not too long ago I mentioned how he was my mentor and got me through those first few years with my husband’s CC. He is truly in the hearts of many. We are here to help if we can, that is the very least we can do for a man who did so much for many.


    Dear Rachael,
    My darling husband Rob passed very close to your Daddy’s passing. This has been such a painful journey for all of us…everyone who has loved the passed person. I so feel your pain and suffering as Rob was also my best friend…my everything. I offer to you my support and comfort, prayers for an acceptance in Jeff’s transcendance. And I don’t believe crying is a bad thing…it helps to cleanse us. Peace to you Rachael.


    Oh Rachel….it warms my heart to hear from you. A few days ago, while scrolling through my cell phone, your Dad’s number appeared. To this date I have not removed it.
    Rachel, you have come to the right place. We can only begin to return to you the appreciation and gratefulness your Dad deserves from the members on this site.
    So there, a big hug is coming your way. Together we will get through this.


    Hello everyone,

    Rachael again JeffG daughter. Pretty tired tonight but for some reason I was drawn to this website. When I clicked the link guess who was the faces of cholangiocarcinoma?? My daddy! Since I haven’t been on here in so long I didn’t think I remembered the password but, I got it right on the first try! The 1st anniversary of my dad’s passing as come and gone soo quickly. I’m not too proud of how my family handled it but, I know everything happens for a reason.
    I think I am on here tonight to seek advice and guidance. I only talk to a few close friends because I try not to burden everyone else. I feel so overwhelmed with life and I’m trying so hard to stay strong but it seems like the only ones I can stay strong enough for are my two little babies. Pierceton and Brooklyn…
    The sad part is they have seen me cry way too much in the last year and I really need to find more strength!
    Can anyone help me?
    With Love,
    (Missing you forever daddy… my best friend)


    Thank you Victoria for mentioning JeffG. He meant so much to us and we really miss him. When Teddy was first diagnosed Jeff led me to do all the right things and I thanked him by sending him jokes. Jeff was a true gentleman and a very knowledgable and caring person. If you are listening Jeff, sending you much love.

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