Research for bile duct cancer

Discussion Board Forums New Developments Research for bile duct cancer

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    I am so very sorry to hear about Bob but in a sad way I am glad his suffering is over and he is in a Peaceful place now. You did extremely well and he was fortunate to have you walk this journey with him. Please accept my heartfelt sympathies to you and your family.


    Bob passed into God’s loving arms this morning at 2:36 am. I was able to help him transition and was at his side providing him with love and comfort with our son. 2 months and 4 days after diagnosis. We cherish our time with him. Getting some much needed rest.
    Thank you and prayers for strength for all those with this diagnosis.


    My thoughts are with you all…..Nancy


    Dear Baychef,

    I am thinking of you as you and Bob go through this and I hope for a peaceful passing for Bob.



    baychef….my heart is with you in this precious time.


    Thank you so much. I am home briefly to grab some things and go back up to be with Bob and our son. He is slipping so very fast but we are keeping him comfortable and surrounded by love.

    I will be back on again. Bless you all.


    I second Lainy’s emotions….and suggestion.


    Dear Baychef, welcome to our wonderfulfamily but sorry you had to find us. Please accept my prayers for Bob to have a Peaceful journey. I would suggest donations to this very organization, as we have now made our first donation for research. You can read about it on our Blog on this site and at the top of the page here will also be a site labled donations. My husband pased in December and I requested donations to this Foundation and others have also done that. THANK-YOU!


    Although I have just registered, I have been on this site quite a bit since January 25th. The day my ex-husband and father of my 20 year old son was diagnosed with bile duct cancer. Bob is in his final weeks of life and each day I see him losing more and more ground. We have gotten NO good news along the way. The chemo (gemzar) had no effect on his cancer and the cancer continued to grow rapidly.

    We are now preparing for his funeral, etc. Although Bob’s brother is making the arrangements, I want to suggest in lieu of flowers donations be sent to a facility that does the most in researching this specific cancer.

    There is so much more I would like to write but am getting ready to go to Bob’s.

    Thank you so much for all of your postings, links, etc. God Bless all of you, your family and friends who are taking this same journey.

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