Researching for brother

Discussion Board Forums Introductions! Researching for brother

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    Nick, sorry you had to find us. Where is your brother being treated? Has surgery been ruled out, and if so, why? It’s the best hope for a cure.

    As Lainy has suggested, this is a rare disease and the best treatment is typically only found in big city/major cancer centers. Below my name are links to major cancer centers and hospitals.

    Good luck.


    Thank you to slittle1127, Nancy246, Lainy, and Gavin for the warm welcome. I look forward to interaction and discussion with all of you.



    Dear Nick – I hope you find answers on our site and we are pleased to welcome you to our supportive family, although sorry for the circumstances that bring you to us. I always appreciate a naturalistic approach but have no information to offer. May you find peace, hope, support and answers. Blessings, Susan


    Hi Nick, My husband Doug has stage 4 cc with mets to liver and bones. He takes naturopathic support which miminizes the effects of chemo and enhances the benefits. He has tolerated chemo very well. We believe in the naturopathic support but not everyone does. He has mistletoe injections 3x a week, takes DCA with vitamin B 2x a day, other vitamins and primal defence 3x a day, drinks water with detox drops in it throughout the day. If your brother is interested I would see a naturopath. They do a thorough evaluation and tests to determine the best regiment. Hope this is some help.
    Best wishes. Nancy


    Hi Nick,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and I am sorry also to hear about your brother. Have your brothers doctors offered any other treatments apart from chemo? Also as Lainy has asked, has your brother had a second or third opnion from another doctor? We have a chemo board here and that may throw up some more discussions about GTX, have you looked over there?

    I’m glad that you have joined us here as you will get a lot of support and help, and please, feel free to ask any questions and we will help if we can. I look forward top hearing more from you and please keep us updated on how your brother is doing.

    My best wishes to you and your brother,



    Hello Nick and welcome to our wonderful family but sorry you had to join.
    Where is your brother being treated? Has he had a 2nd or 3rd opinion? What was his diagnosis, like where is the CC? Other opinions are very important especially if you are located in a small town as CC is so rare with only 2,000 in the USA getting it each year. I have not heard of IPT but have you typed it in to our Search engine at the top of the page? Other posts will come up featuring IPT if there are any. Looking forward to hearing more from you.


    Hello everyone,
    My brother was diagnosed with CC year and half ago. He has tried various chemo regimens (Gem/Cis, Gem/Ox, Folfiori, Tarceva) but none has proved effective. Currently he is on GTX and there is some response. But the side effects are devastating.

    So, I’m here to find a) Ways to minimize side effects for his treatment, and b) Find other alternative treatments. I look forward to interacting and conversing with many of you.


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