Resection for the elderly between 80 and 90 years of age

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    I talk with the nutritionist ,the BMI figure is correct .
    1. <25 is normal;
    2. 25-30=overweight,
    3.>30 is class 1 obesity
    and when the BMI is between 30-40 , then it will be obesity class 2 and 3.

    One of the formula to find our your BMI (Body Mass Index) is
    your weight in pounds x703 divided by your height in inches twice.
    For example if you are 155 pounds and you are 5 feet and 6 inches(66inches) tall your BMI will be:
    155×703=108965 then devided by 66=1650.99 and again devided the 1650.99 by 66 ;the result is 25.01 which is the high normal or they can call it overweight

    God bless.


    Thanks for this Marion! And thanks also for your thoughts on this as well Percy.



    Japanese are famous for their long-javity ; therefore it is not uncommon to see older people to have surgery done.
    But the difference I think this study may not be applied to us lies in the body mass index(BMI),and the other related health problems. In short, obesity.
    normal BMI is around or <25; and when BMI>30 or so, it is obesity.but I will make sure and ask for 2nd opinion about the BMI litmit.
    God bless.

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