Resection recovery

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    I hope things get better for your Mom, I know it must be really hard to leave her right now. My husband Gordon is getting ready to have his liver resection done on Tuesday. His tumor is 8cm, he has had chemo. He will be having it done at Md Anderson with Dr. Vauthey, we really like him. This Dr. Chapman sounds amazing!! That would have probably been our third opinion if we didn’t like what MD Anderson had to say. I pray things get better for you, what a blessing you have someone to help while your gone. I am in contact with someone on here that is becoming one of my sweetest friends I hope to meet her in person one day. Susan Le she doesnt get on here alot but this site is a blessing!!! Take care, sorry for the rambling!!!



    Hi Brenda, sounds like you maneuvered just fine! Isn’t it amazing how we can do things when we have too? It sounds good to me that your hubby is getting this chance and it must be interesting to talk to the others. How long a drive is it for you? I am so glad you have your angel, Cathy! What a blessing. Much good luck on the next appointments! Hang in and be strong!


    Daisy, I am so sorry that they still have not helped Mom with the pain. I have NEVER heard of not being able to ‘void’ from pain Meds, ever. I am curious if you have asked Dr. Chapman about it. Also if they are doing the Cath thing every 4 hours, why don’t they just leave it in? It has to be so uncomfortable to keep putting it in and out. Something just doesn’t sound right there. I don’t blame her for feeling down and it is hard on you to. Wonder what Dr C says. Tell Mom she has a whole cheering section here and we are wishing the best for her!


    Yes Dr.Chapman did do the surgery and we could not be more pleased with him!!! He is a kind caring man. When he called me the other day he actually asked me if it was a good time? Can you imagine that? So down to earth!! Good luck to you and when you are back at Barnes contact Cathy she has been a god send to my family!! She really is the nicest person I have ever met!!! Best of luck to you!!!


    Daisy, I am sorry to hear that your mom is having pain, hopefully soon things will get better. I think that would be a big surgery. It must be hard for you being so far away. Every thing about this darn cancer is so strange and new to me. Did Dr Chapman do your mom’s surgery? I have met him and he is a very kind and caring man. We just got back home today from Barnes, My husband was assesed for a transplant, no we don’t yet and as things happened we have to return for 3 more appt later this month. There was agroup of 4 others that need a liver too. We had classes and tests, Blood work galore, cat scans …two solid days. But very informative. I am glad he is at least getting a chance.
    Me, being the country hick that I am, did all the driving, yes, I got lost but stopped for directions and managed to get there and get us back home!!.Cathy sent me a email but my old computer was not cooperating for me then. I am getting a better signal now since getting home from Barnes. I want to thank you Cathy for your kind email and offer of your help.
    May your Mom feel better each day.


    Hello All,

    My mom had her resection 11 days ago and is still in the hospital. She has a drain for the blood and bile that has not been removed yet and she is having a problem urinating. They have to insert a catheter in her every 4 hours. They say it is because of the pain meds so my crazy mom stops taking them just Motrin and she still can not viod and she is in crazy pain. Now depression is setting in. Months ago she ran a marathon and today she can do a couple loops around the hopital floor. The surgery was a success because they did get the whole 7cm tumor but there was lymph node involvement and microscopic cells left behind. I worry that we had her do this only to extend her years of chemo scans and worry. Is there anyone out there that had a resection and had lymph node involvement as well? Just curious to your experiences. I am just sad today I was there a week but had to come home. My parents both sound defeated. Thank god for Cathy who has been visiting and feeding them:)

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