Results come back clear

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    Molly- Sorry about diagnosis. The first thing my doctor told me that brushings would come back negative, but he knew what he was looking at. They did finally come back positive after being sent to Mayo Clinic. I am a cc survivor because of his knowledge and expertise, another less expierenced doctor in cc would have taken a wait and see approach. Depending where you are, the Mayo Clinic or Barnes-Jewish Hospital are cutting edge cc hospitals. You might consider a second opinion. Good luck and lots of prayers. Cathy


    Bile is certainly something none of us ever think of until it effects us or our loved ones. Yet it is such a serious matter, as it effects the liver, digestion, and overall health so profoundly.


    She now has to go to a specialist and get the bile duct drained and then hopefully we will find out the cause of all this I pray that all this will have some good news at long last for us! For three weeks we have had knock
    back after knock back and now we cling onto this hope that there is something less serious wrong with mom! She is very weak
    and sick but this is all down to the horrible build up of bile!


    Hi Molly,

    How is your Mom doing?, in your last post you said her bilirubin wasn’t coming down as it should and she was back in hospital. I hope this is under control now.

    Are the doctors saying the type of cancer isn’t bile duct cancer but another sort. I know you mentioned it had spread to the stomach lining in a previous post. How had they come to that conclusion?

    My Dad had a biopsy to test for cc not a brushing.

    I really hope that it isn’t cc and good news is coming your way, but I would be asking for second opinions just incase it is.

    Thinking of you



    Molly…..brushing often come back negative. Mary had a good explanation: negative brushings are considered to be inconclusive. In fact, you may want to read up on some of the earlier threads regarding this issue. Simply type in “brushings” in google function, top, right, of upper page.
    Stay positive. More diagnostic tests are needed to confirm this disease. I am crossing my fingers for good news coming your way.
    Best wishes,


    I’m glad the brushings are clear! Hopefully they can find out what is pressing on the bile duct and take care of it quickly.


    I am so confused mom was diagnosed with bile duct cancer and now the doctor has turned around and said the brushings came back clear from the bile duct but she is not ruling out cancer as the doc feels that there is something pressing on the bile duct! I don’t know if I should jump for joy or cry! What does anyone feel??? Please help

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