RIP Grover

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance RIP Grover

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    Hi Suzanne,

    I was very sorry to hear of your Dad’s passing. I used to love reading his posts and I will always remember him for his prayer pants. I also remember how he and Cindy had chemo on the same days and became great friends. I always had such hope for him since he was able to have a resection and seemed to do so well. I read his blog faithfully, but became worried when he suddenly stopped posting. Sadly, my daughter, Lauren, also passed away June 9th from this cancer. I know Lauren, Cindy, and your Dad are having a great time in heaven. God bless you.



    Dear Suzanne,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your dear dad. Having also lost my dad to this disease I know the pain that you feel right now. What a fighter Grover was and I am glad that you all got to spend this summer together making more memories. Please accept my sincere condolences and know that my thoughts are with you and your family.





    I am so very sorry to hear about your your dad. The name Grover is one I always remember from this site. Please accept my sincere condolences.



    Dear Suzanne,

    I am sorry to read that your Dad has died. Although he is not suffering, the loss to you and your family is evident in your post.



    Dearest Suzanne, I am so sorry about your Dad, Jerry/Grover. We all loved him so much. I so agree with you about the mind and dying, he knew, he just knew. And if you are a Believer you know he really has never left. I like to say he is in the next room. My heartfelt prayers and love are going out to your family. How wonderful that he got to spend these last months with family and friends. Many happy Memories will now be in your mind.

    From a book of blessings called “Benedictus” by John O’Donohue – Irish Poet & Philosopher
    When you lose someone you love,
    Your life becomes strange,
    The ground beneath you becomes fragile,
    Your thoughts make your eyes unsure;
    And some dead echo drags your voice down
    Where words have no confidence
    Your heart has grown heavy with loss.
    And though this loss has wounded others too,
    No one knows what has been taken from you
    When the silence of absence deepens.
    There are days when you wake up happy;
    Again inside the fullness of life,
    Until the moment breaks
    And you are thrown back
    Onto the black tide of loss.
    Days when you have your heart back,
    You are able to function well
    Until in the middle of work or encounter,
    Suddenly with no warning,
    You are ambushed by grief.
    More than you, it knows its way
    And will find the right time
    To pull and pull the rope of grief
    Until that coiled hill of tears
    Has reduced to its last drop.
    Gradually, you will learn acquaintance
    With the invisible form of your departed;
    And when the work of grief is done,
    The wound of loss will heal
    And you will have learned
    And be able to enter the hearth
    In your soul where your loved one
    Has awaited your return
    All the time.


    Dear Suzanne,

    I am so sorry to hear of your dad’s passing, but glad you were able to have the summer to share some good times with him. Take comfort in knowing he is now in a better place, no longer suffering and at peace. Keep him with you forever in all those wonderful memories. He will be near you, in your heart and those memories forever. You and your family and all those who loved him are in my thoughts and prayers as you grieve. Take care.

    Love & Hugs,


    My dearest daddy, Grover/Jerry Guthridge died on Wednesday, August 7th after a 2 year battle with this awful disease. I know I have not posted in a while and I apologize for not updating. After his stay in the hospital last April we did not expect him to live much longer – he had other plans! He sent my mom’s sister (a retired nurse) back home to TN telling her “come back in August, we’ll need you then!” We laughed thinking – he’s crazy! Aunt Sally returned on August 2nd – GOD and the mind is more powerful than we know! For that I am grateful. We had a fun summer – dad’s family from FL to local all get together for the Brickyard weekend in Speedway – and he was able to enjoy some time with us all.

    I want to thank this website. Through this site we were able to meet Sue Crago (6 year survivor) and Cindy Andrews (who we lost in February). Both have become dear friends during this battle.

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