room spinning dizziness-getting MRI

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    On the Genentech site, dizziness, vertigo and blurriness of vision are side effects in less than 2% of patients.
    Hey, I’m a rare person, there is a rare cancer living in my body and I have rare side effects. Typical!
    I have the MRI still scheduled tomorrow to rule out more serious problems, but I feel so much better after reading that it IS a side effect!
    Thanks to PCL for sending me the info on the other post.


    Susie…you are right. We have “never” seen brain mets due to CC on this site.


    Hi Kris,

    Hang in there. I’m not sure what the dizziness could be from, but (someone correct me if I’m wrong) I don’t think anyone on this board has ever had a brain mets. Let us know.

    God bless,



    see my other reply.
    God bless.


    Now I get to go get an MRI. The dizziness and the blurry right eye concern my oncologist. Me, too!! I forgot about my orthostatic hypotension, which, in English, basically means my low blood pressure drops when I stand up quickly. The world kind of greys out and I almost pass out. When it bothers me, which hasn’t been for years, since I gained some weight and a few more numbers on the blood pressure. Now it’s almost normal, up from 90/60ish to 106/68ish.
    This dizziness is so different, I didn’t even think of the o.h. This is when I lay down on my side at night in the dark. The room spins all the way around. Once. But it happened today when I laid down on my back. And it was light in the room. One spin around. So the practitioner took my blood pressure laying down, then sitting up, then standing. It did drop a little, but she wasn’t very quick on the draw, either. And I did it slow enough that I didn’t get dizzy. She didn’t want me dizzy, only wanted a change in b.p. And it changed.
    The not knowing what it is, is the hardest because my mind just runs away with possibilities. From “it’s the allergies and the poison you’re putting in your body” to “tumor? Not another one!” and everything in between. Cataracts? That would maybe account for the blurry vision but not the dizziness. So??????
    I talked to Dr. K about my allergies being really really bad right now, and my ears itching like crazy. She said I should try Zyrtec. I guess I can take that. I’ll buy it to see how it works.
    I just hope the MRI doesn’t show anything. I have enough to worry about. I’m trying not to be, but I’m scared… very scared. I’m going to pretty much beg God for some good results. And then I will bite my nails until I get “the call”. Oh, stress, how you are way too much a part of my life sometimes!
    It’s times like this I wish I could drink because I really want to get drunk! I know it won’t help, but at least I’d pass out (maybe). And then feel so bad tomorrow I won’t care about dizziness. At least I’d have a reason. :)
    I also think maybe it’s related to the Xeloda since I’ve had 2 cycles of it.But it’s not a side effect, according to the docs. Maybe not, but that’s when it started. So that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

    On the known tumor topic: my CT scan is scheduled for the end of May. Then I have the long holiday weekend where I won’t be getting any results. I have to wait a week to find out what the tumor is doing. And whether the new chemo is doing any good. I sure hope so. I try to get the troll to eat daily. The other day he wouldn’t but I’ve had him munching a few days a week the past month. And I hope my surgeon gets in on this discussion so I can learn if surgery is an option for my birthday. Hey, what did you do for your birthday?? I got 2/3 of my liver removed!! Fun times!!! I sure hope I can say that!!!
    Well, I’m beat after today. And dizzier than I’ve been. Of course, my body loves to react to what my mind comes up with, so I have to start thinking I”m not dizzy, right?

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