rough night for george…

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    Woop! Woop!! Thank you dear Lainy and sweet Gavin!! I was thrilled to be asked and hope I can live up to all of you wonderful Moderators!! It is a great honor and I just love everyone on this site, but really hate the cancer that this site is about. Hoping and praying for the cure.



    Lynn….. Fleet Glycerin Suppositories Laxative worked well for my husbands to aid him in these episodes of constipation. All other times he would take a stool softener ½ hour before his meal. I also came to understand that he needed his space and lone time because; he simply did not have the energy or desire to interact with others.

    To be ill and to undergo enormous, physical changes take a toll on the patient. Most likely George prefers your company alone. And, that is understandable – you are his biggest support. I wish for a better night.


    Lynn….. Fleet Glycerin Suppositories Laxative worked well for my husbands to aid him in these episodes of constipation. All other times he would take a stool softener ½ hour before his meal. I also came to understand that he needed his space and lone time because; he simply did not have the energy or desire to interact with others.

    To be ill and to undergo enormous, physical changes take a toll on the patient. Most likely George prefers your company alone. And, that is understandable – you are his biggest support. I wish for a better night.


    Same from me too Pamela! :)


    Well, Pamela, CONGRATULATIONS on your new title! We are so HAPPY to have you aboard MISS MODERATOR .


    Hi Lynn,

    I just wanted to tell you that George is very lucky to have such a caring, sweet wife that will do anything for him. I am sorry he had a rough night and hope after his rest today that he is feeling better. Take care and try to get some rest yourself.

    Love, -Pam


    Hi Lynn,

    Sorry to hear what George went through last night. And you have had a rough night as well. I know that my dad used to apologise to me as well a lot and I told him that he didn’t have to ever apologise for anything. I sure hope that George is feeling a bit better today and that you don’t have to use Lainy’s lashing with a wet noodle technique either!!! Thinking of you both right now.




    Well, she needs to see him! He is lucky he is not married to me!!!! LOL Tell him I said if he doesn’t see her, he geTs 20 lashes with a wet noodle! Just joking, luv you both!


    everybody calls but either george has his phone off,or he ingnors their call,sometimes they call me if they cant get a hold of george,and i go ask george if he wants to talk,most of the time he dose.hospice nurse comes out this afternoon,george said he didnt want to see her tho…


    Aw, I am so sorry, Lynn. He could be exhausted from last night’s episode but I would let him call the shots on this one. If I may make a suggestion, it would relieve stress for George and for you if people called first. I used to schedule only 2 visits a day, sometimes one and gave Teddy time in between the visits to sleep. I also did not let people stay over 1/2 hour. When does Hospice come over again?


    thanks lainy,im trying to be strong,this emotional rollercoaster is horrible,shortly after the update,george came to me and said he wants to sleep,why do i want to sleep so rollercoaster took a nose dive,i was so hopeing that george would stay up for a little while,but 10-15 minutes was all he could handle,he has no pain now,but last night it was in his bottom,more pressure then pain..two long time friends came by today,and he said he didnt want to see anybody,i told him that his sister is comming later ,and he said no,and he also told me to call miss kay(his nurse)and tell her not to come,i didnt because i need to talk to her…well,more later love you all hugs Lynn.


    Hello Lynn, I am so sorry about George’s bad night. You should let Hospice know what happened. George reminds me so much of Teddy, always apologizing. Lynn, where was his pain? I am hoping you have a nice quiet day. V8 and prune juice? Uh, ugh! When Hospice comes again you can ask them or something to help regulate him. Only thing I use V8 for is a base for vegetable soup. Be strong.


    hello cc family,dropping in for a quick update,yesterday was a bad day for george,and a sleepless night.He was constipated,the pills did’nt seem to work fast enough,he was in so much pain,i got him some high fiber v8 and prune juice,heated up the v8 so it was luke warm,and added the small can of prune juice,after being up every 10 minutes or so,all night,everything finally kicked in thank god,i was up the whole time with him,changing bed linin and his cloths,and running the washer.but all is well now,hes out of bed and in his recliner,where i like to see him,he told me the whole ordeal made him weak,all he keeps telling me is how sorry he is for putting me through this,with the messy clothes and cleaning him up,i tell dont you ever be sorry,i am your wife,i took my vows seriously..well got to go talk to all you wonderful ladies and gentlemen and hugs Lynn

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