Round 2

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  • #43565

    Hi Kathy,

    My Dad didn’t have stents, they were catheters. He never had a bag hooked up to the cathethers. They were changed every 3 months at Loyola, (Maywood, IL). He had the catheters for 8 years. When his doctor was retiring, they decided to take them out. There was a 50% chance of him needing them back in. He has been without them ever since. He always called them, a thorn in his side. He couldn’t wait to go for a swim when he got them out! Thanks for the kind words.



    Fifteen years is wonderful!

    Has your dad had stent changes throughout this time? I’m assuming the catheters were stents. Or were they just able to clean them out?

    Thanks for posting.



    I welcome you to the board and our little family here. I, too, am heartened to hear of a 15 year survivor, we can always use a good dose of hope.



    Hi Kate:

    15 years ago Dad had cc in the bile duct. At age 55. He was treated with radiation…which did nothing but stenosised a different duct. They inserted 2 catheters into the ducts to keep them open. Next, they did brachy therapy on the tumor with a radio isotope. (2 times). Mom, Dad & I than hopped the pond to France to pray at Lourdes. He has been cancer free for 15 years. My Dad has walked 3 daughters down the aisle. Seen 6 grandchildren born. He is now tackling cancer in the liver and 2 spots in the neck/shoulder area. The doctors that are treating my Dad, cannot believe he is alive. He is on his third week of medication for a cancer trial. This trial is in stage two. Dad said they will do a ct scan around January, to measure the tumors and to see how the trial is going. Dad is feeling good. Just put the golf clubs away for the season. So far the only side effects, of the trial medication, are rashes and peeling skin around the finger nails. Dad turns 71 years old next week! Again…GO DAD!


    Great to hear that your dad is already a fifteen year survivor, sad though to hear it has returned. What treatment has he had/will he be having? A positive attitude is half the battle – we’ll be hoping to hear more good news about your dad.


    Hi there,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all and thank you for sharing about your dad. Go your dad indeed and I wish him every success in his fight.

    Please could you keep in touch and let us all know how he gets on. And if you have any questions at all then please feel free to ask and we will all help if we can.

    My best wishes to you and your dad,



    WEcome to the site. I wish your dad good luck in his upcoming battle. Let us know how it goes and remember we are a wonderful resource if you have questions or just need support.



    thridone….welcome to our site. Good luck and please, stay in touch.
    Best wishes,


    Hurrah, we love the stories of Miracle Men!!! Hoping for the BEST!


    My Dad was diagnosed in 1995 with cc. Unfortunately, the cc is back and has spread to new spots. Dad has decided to fight this a 2nd time. Go Dad! He is a great Grandpa and Dad. I am glad there is this board to read,share,etc….

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