Sad and Confused

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    Thank you for your suggestions and support. My mother in law wants to take him to Tijuana to a clinic in which they use the hoxsey method. I had never heard of this before but started researching and found that it is an alternative method of treating cancer with natural herbs. She says this is the last thing that they will try. He has been in the hospital since Wednesday night. The oncologist at Stanford did blood test and found that his sodium level was really low. in the last few weeks he sleeps very minimally, 3 to 5 minutes in a row then wakes up for a long time. He is disoriented most of the time. he talks about his job like if he is at work or about situations that are not happening at the moment. He has been throwing up constantly for the past week and has not had a bowel movement. The only good news about all of this is that his pain has gone away for the most part. He only had mild discomfort and occasional pain. I have read in other posts that this may be a sign that his organs are shutting down, but if that’s true, at least he is not suffering.
    We all feel helpless, sad, and angry because we cannot do anything but pray for him and keep him company.
    Thank you again for responding to my post. This has been the only site I’ve found that truly understands about this cancer and the effects it has on patients and family.



    I am sorry to hear the diagnosis of your father In law. I agree with Marion in seeking another opinion! Welcome to this group and we are glad you are here. I hope you find support here as we are all in this together. Please keep us posted with your progress and please take care and give your FIL a big hug for me.


    hesquivez… sorry for the reason to find us, but I am happy you joined our group. I would search out a second opinion from a center treating a high volume of Cholangiocarcinoma patients. I realize it is a bit of a drive to UCSF, but then it is to Stanford as well. UCSF has a robust biliary department and you might encounter some difficulties with obtaining an appointment. Try to push for an earlier date. They will ask you to submit the medical records which are at Stanford as well as with your local oncologist.
    Good luck and please keep us posted. We are in this together.


    This is my first post here. I have been reading these posts for the past 1 1/2 months and they have been great motivation for me and my husband. My 63 year old father-in-law was diagnosed with CC stage 4, unresectable tumors on March 4, 2015. To make a long story short, after 4 rounds of chemo (gem/oxaliplatin) the oncologist told us that the chemo wasn’t working and that his tumors were growing. He has 4 tumors, 9,7,5, and 4 cm each. The oncologist suggested that we take my father-in-law to Stanford Cancer Center to see if there were any clinical trials or new treatments that could be done. We had our first visit today to Stanford and the oncologist there said that the only thing they can do for my father-in-law is radiation to help with his pain, but he only has 2-4 months to live.
    We don’t know what to do. We feel like the doctors have given up on him, but we haven’t. We don’t want to. My father-in-law was in extreme pain 2 weeks ago and was in the hospital dealing with the pain, but now he seems to be much better. Pain is sporadic and can be reduced by 1 morphine pill a day instead of 1 every 3 hours like at the hospital. We felt like he was getting better, but today’s news was a shock to hear.
    I would like to hear anyone’s advice on how to better deal with this news we just received.
    Thank you.

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