Saying thankyou and goodbye

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    Thanks and Love to all of you. Your kind words really do help sooo much. love, steph


    Dear Stephanie, Emilee and I lost Lee 2 weeks ago tomorrow. I know the pain, heartache and overwhelming sense of loss you are experiencing now. Please know that Em and I will be praying for comfort, strength and hope for you. Take care of yourself, and know how many people here on this site are here for you!



    Dear Stephanie,

    I am so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you.

    Bless you,


    I am sorry to read about your mother. I lost my father David Cook, Dec 30, 2007 and it seem like yesterday…Its not easy losing someone close to us. I am barely getting over the shock of the loss. I feel so sad more often than happy BUT what is helping me cope are fond memories and knowing my father would not want me to be overly sad.
    Your mother’s wonderful memories will sustan you….
    My thoughts are with you and your family during this emotional time.

    The CC family is here for you~

    Charlene Eloi
    Daughter of David Cook


    Dear Stephanie… My sincere condolences on the loss of your Mother.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.



    I am so sorry for your loss, but please feel free to stay with us. There are many people who need help with the grief after and there is a very strong support group here.



    Dear Stephanie,

    I feel so much pain from your news. I know that you are not religious but know that God is right there with you just as he was through every moment of this horrible battle. May you find some peace in the beautiful memories and the knowledge that your mom is pain free. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time of loss.



    Dear Stephanie,
    I’m so sorry about your mother. I know what it’s like to lose your mother to this terrible disease and I know the end is often horrible. I am still angry – at cancer, at doctors, at fate – that she had to go so young.

    Be strong for your mom and I hope time starts to help you heal a little bit at a time. All my best wishes and thoughts go out to you in this time of grieving

    Joyce M


    Dear Stephanie,
    I am so sorry for your loss. I know how that feels, and how hard it is to work through the grief, but I also know that I was glad my husband was at peace, done with that horrible disease, and that helped me to cope. Some day I hope we will hear there is a cure for this monster. Until then, God bless you.

    Joyce C.


    Hi Stephanie,
    I’m so sorry that you lost your mom. I can’t even imagine your pain. There is a place on this website for you to share your feelings with others that have lost loved ones. It is in the “Grief” section. The wise men and women there share your pain.
    God bless you,


    Stephanie – I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad January 14 of this year and he also was in a coma like state toward the end for about 10 hours. It was very hard to watch, even though the medications made him “peaceful” he was gasping for air the whole time. The only comfort that I have is that he does not have to live with this terrible cancer anymore. He fought a courageous battle for 18 months. My heart goes out to you! Hold on to the wonderful memories of your mom~ we can do this!

    Smiles through tears,



    I agree, strong hearts don’t quicken anything but the pain does end. My heart goes out to you now, I hope that you can feel it.

    I remember the day my Mother died well and it was so confusing (8/6/08). I am getting better all the time, but I am forever changed by this absurd cancer. In some ways, amazingly, it is for the better because I am more awake and alive than I have ever been.

    I know what you went through, and I honor your Mother with one last request. Heal Stephanie… we can do this in time, and you will.

    All my best to you and your family. (((Hugs))). -ljg


    Dear Stephanie,

    I am so sorry that your Mom has lost her battle with this horrific disease. As you said, she is now at peace & no longer suffering from this terrible cancer. Remember that she will be in your hearts and memories forever. I know that right now that is not much comfort to you as this is all just so fresh and it hurts so much. I wrote to Dr. Giles about my feelings after my husband passed on & his answer has helped me to put things a a better perspective. It is still so very hard to deal with, but it does bring me some comfort & peace. It may also be of some help to you and your family. Just go under Patient Support and Ask Dr. Giles if you would like to read my question and his reply.

    Again, you have my deepest sympathy. I will keep you & your family in my thoughts and prayers.

    With Love & Hugs,


    Im back to say thank you all with your prayers and insight. Unfortunately my mom passed away yesterday. I can honestly say I hate this cancer and it has no shame. This was her second bought with her amonnia level getting so high. The first time we got it down and she went home. She never got any stronger. This time we knew the signs and got her right to the hospital. Overnight her amonnia level went up to 240 and her potassium was at 8, which the doctor said was at a deadly level. She was in a comma like state. Anyways I wish I could say it was a peaceful ending, but it wasnt because she was so young and her heart was so strong. I was so thankful for the end, no more pain. She had her son and family waiting to greet her and I am so happy for her now. Anyways thank you all and keep spreading the word. This site is so helpful to people. If you can help just 1 person its worth it. Love, stephanie

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