Thank you Gavin for all the work you do to search the medical literature.
When I looked at this article, my initial reaction was “Yikes, you can get mets in your scalp?” But this is of course extremely rare, in fact so very rare that the authors were able to get a publication out of it. There are other articles I have seen, some of which Gavin has posted, that also describe cases of a patient with an extremely unusual location of CCA mets.
For me, the lesson in this is that with CCA, as a patient I must be very attentive to what is going on with my body. Any bothersome pain, new symptom or other factor that seems out of place should be on my list of questions when I see my doctors. Chances are excellent that I will NOT end up starring in some doctor’s medical journal article as an unusual case, but we can all have better peace of mind by asking questions to our medical providers about any concerns that come up.
Happy New Year everyone!
Regards, Mary