Scan is done

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    Hi Sue,

    Yes the waiting for scans and for results after scans is a tough one that we have all been through so we know what you are going through here. I know that it can be tough to do sometimes, but please try and stay positive and not think the worst. I went through this with my dad and sometimes we had to wait a few weeks from the scans being done until getting the results. Please let us know how how Darrell’s scans go and remember that we are all here for you.

    My best wishes to you both,



    Jim…..thanks for the chuckle. Ha, ha.


    Sue….Hang in there. Anxiety is based on fear – don’t let it rob you of your positive feelings. Continue to reach out to the great group of people on this site as they speak from experience and understanding. We are in this together.
    All my best wishes,


    The slow results must be a Canadian thing. About half of my scans have been ‘wet reads’, results within an hour or so. The others, next day. We may ‘catch up’ with Canada with Obamacare, if it doesn’t get repealed or the US Supreme Court doesn’t rule it unconstitutional. For now, things are good, though.

    … and I should add, the scans have been done at a huge NYC hospital with 29,000 employees. The whole place is uncommonly responsive to patient and doctor’s needs. I just love the place! It’s just horrible to love a hospital!


    Dear Sue, the waiting for results is one of the worst! We have come to call it “scanxiety”! Not sure if that is how they do things where you are but here we always had results for Teddy the next day. Perhaps you could call the ONC and ask why it takes a week. Please try to take each day a step at a time and know that in a week not much if anything is going to change. It’s the wait. Sometimes the mental strain can be just as bad as the physical. Be strong, hang in and keep busy!



    Hang in there! I agree that the ‘waiting’ game is the worst. And one never knows, it could be good news rather than bad news. Think positive. Here is a ‘for instance’. My husband Tom also had CC and in Nov ’09 his then ONC told him he had less than 6 months. We had another two years almost to the day before CC took him away from me. He passed on 11/20/2011.

    We had almost 4 years from his diagnosis. And during those 4 years we took it one day at a time and I’m grateful for that time we had – it made us love one another harder, enjoy our time together more and we took a lot of pictures and made many memories that I now hold near to my heart.

    Keep us posted when you get the results. We care! We are family.

    Hugs to you both.



    Hi there
    Today Darrell had a CT scan after a break from 8 cycles of chemo and I am terrified. I’ve been hiding out in other rooms crying as I listen to him call all his relatives to tell them we don’t get results till the 18 th and why is that? It isbthe waiting that tears you apart. He was diagnosed last Febuary and has been doing fairly well the last little while. We took a trip from Alberta Canada to Yuma Arizona. We had a beautiful 25 th anniversary renewal that was totally wonderful and totally heartbreaking at the same time. I’m sorry I seem to be getting worse as time goes on…. I think it is because I am so afraid time will not go on….

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