Scan questions

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    Trevor….It is natural to be anxious and it is quite o.k. to acknowledge the “scan jitters.” This site is full of comments regarding the pre-scan results anxieties. We had been told that the CA 19-9 marker will be taken in account when looking for response to treatments combined with the scan results and your overall well being. Your added weight and general well being all are positive indicators.
    Fingers and everything crossed (Lainy crosses her eyes too) for the best result coming your way.
    All my best wishes,


    Hi Trevor,

    Great to hear from you again! Sorry to hear what you went through with the Gem/Cis and that you had to go back inot the hospital again for a week. Sounds like switching to Gem/Oxal was a good move and I am glad that you are tolerating it well. Hopefully you will continue to feel good with this.

    Every time in the lead up to my dads scans we went through the same thoughts and emotions as you are experiencing right now. My dad used to hate this lead up to the scans and getting the results and he just wanted to know what was going on. As Lainy says, this waiting is unfortunate but it is something that everyone goes through.

    That is great that you have been out of the hospital for a month now, and also great to hear that you have an appettite again and are putting on weight! And feeling good most of the time sounds good to me and maybe that is something to focus on right now? I will keep everything crossed for you on Friday and please let us know how you get on, we are all here for you.

    Best wishes,



    Hi Trevor. Sorry to hear about your first attempt at chemo but glad to hear you found a cocktail that agrees with you. Unfortunately I think everyone goes through the same “scan stress”. There is no way to know what is going on until the sacn results, however, a lower C19-9 is a good way to start. It sounds like you are doing quite well now so I say try to be realistically optimistic. A hopeful and upbeat attitude really helps! Please let us know how your scan results go and as ususaly we are in your corner rooting for you as well!


    Hello everyone,

    It has been awhile since my last post. I have experienced some major ups and downs the past couple months since being diagnosed.

    I was diagnosed with recurrent cholangio in late June of this year. I was put on Gem/Cisplatin and only got through 2 cycles due to subsequent chemo toxicity which caused me to be hospitalized for a week.

    Since then I have been switched to Oxali/Gem (currently have had 3 cycles) which I have been tolerating quite well.

    My concern are the scans. I have a CT this Friday and do not know what to expect. As many of us know, the progression cholangio is very difficult to predict. Despite this, I was wondering if there are any signs that could point toward a positive outcome?

    Like the CEA 19-9? At the time of diagnosis, mine was 9,000, so is it fair to assume that anything lower than that would be good?

    I have been out of the hospital for over a month and have been able to gain my appetite and some weight back that was previously nonexistent.

    Most of the time, I feel good, minus some nausea and fatigue that comes with the chemo.

    Thanks again everyone!


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