Scan Results

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  • #52956

    Wonderful scanresults!!
    As a patient, as well as a nurse, a fully agree with PCL. Don


    If GEMOX(the regimen which you are having now) works like you say, I will continue the course of treatment until otherwise. You want to reserve more options for the future just in case. For me(as a patient),CC is a long war and not just a battle. You need to think far ahead of the game if God is willing to give His Grace to you and me to have that long the time frame to fight and learn about CC.
    Gemox+ Cetuximab(a MoAb like bevacizumab-Avastin) have good results in objective response(63%) but long -term outcome were not reported.So when I read this article ,I ( as a patient)will think about what is next if this regimen don’t work again after initial success and/or if the CC recur again for the 2nd time . The other clinical protocol is Gemzar+Xeloda+Avastin which also provided good results but side effects like colon perforation from Avastin has been reported.
    In general “if it works,don’t fix it.”
    God bless.


    Hello everyone,

    I had scans yesterday and the results were encouraging. I suffered recurrence 3 months ago. At the time of diagnosis, there was a fair amount of fluid found in my omentum. That fluid appears to be gone.

    Also there were small bead like spots found along my omentum, many of which were not visible on imaging as well. Two spots were found below my small intestine, one is stable and the other has shrunk drastically.

    So I am happy there is some disease regression. My CA 19-9 decreased from 15,000 to 900.

    With all the good news, I am wondering if I should take on a third chemo in addition to the Oxali/Gem I’m on right now run at a much smaller dose, such as Avastin? My 4th treatment is next week and I seem to be tolerating it well with little side effects.

    Or would this be toxic and too much of a risk?

    Thanks again everyone.

    Keep the Faith,


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