scans and vomitting

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    He only gets to the dye not the barium. He may have had a few issues with barium in the past, but that is not the method they want with him. I was thinking maybe they could tell him to take nausea pills prior. We shall see. Thank goodness it is only every 3 months!


    Isisman, I’m sorry to hear the problems with your husband’s CT-scans. I’ve had quite a few CT-scans (I’m a CC survivor), but fortunate in that the procedures haven’t been a major problem for me. They always give me a thick liquid barium to drink. I’m able to tolerate it pretty well. I just feel bloated afterwards.

    But I wanted to mention. During one of my scans, they said I could try another type of barium (I don’t remember the name though). But it was more a clear/liquid kind of drink. You mixed it with orange juice, I seem to remember. They told me that “drink” was supposed to be gentler on the stomach.

    Does your husband vomit from the barium, or from the dye? If from the barium, you may want to ask about this clear/liquid kind of drink, and see if that helps.


    Every time my husband has a catscan, they inject this dye and he vomits ALL over the place. Uncontrolled. eeewwww. Granted he only has to have the scans every 3 months, it seems like there should be something he can take to counteract this immediate response. Any one have this?

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