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    I think everyone has scananexity before a scan! My husband Tom never did, but I certainly did! After his re-occurance I was devastated but the fact that he made it another 2 years was awesome. We lived, laughed and loved and I would never give that up for anything!

    Good luck on the scan and tons of love and support coming your dad’s way from Wisconsin!



    Hi Mydadrocks,

    Yep, scanxiety. We can all relate to that issue and I went through a load of that as well with my dad also. Please stay strong and try not to automatically think the worst here. We are all here for you and tons of positive thoughts coming your way from over here.

    Best wishes to you and your dad,



    Stay positive and hope for the best. I know it is easier said than done, but worrying does nothing but make you feel sick. I will pray for great results.

    Love, -Pam


    I know your Dad is in excellent hands and I am sending out good vibes and juju (what ever that means but I like the word) hang in, be strong and hope for the best.


    Scans are next week.
    CA 19-9 keeps rising. it rose despite a very large reduction in tumor amount, per previous scans.
    They are discussing changing Dad’s chemo protocol from FOLFIRINOX to gem/cis or something else. We definitely trust Dr. Javle and Dad’s local oncologist to make the correct decision.

    I am torn between wishing scans would hurry up and get here, and wishing they would never come. I’m afraid this appointment will bring the bad news we don’t want.

    Cancer, i hate you.

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