SCCA – MTWebster and 8800Jak

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    I may have spoken to soon :0( Just this morning, my Mom started to feel that kind of abdominal pain again…but this time, it’s in a different spot. The abdominal pain that she experienced before was more on the RUQ to middle (where the liver is?) of the abdomen. Now, it’s more on the L side. She continues to take her lower dose of Oxycontin and with Oxycodone 10 mgs about 4 hours apart, as needed. She’s already taken at total of 20 mgs. today. My Mom said that the pain would subside but not enough to last her more than 4 hours.

    This has happened before and would only last for a couple of days. Maybe, my idea of lowering the Oxycontin wasn’t a good idea after all. She was doing so well and now this…

    I’ve called my Mom’s SCCA Oncologist and waiting for a reply.


    My Mom has a significant med’l Hx of:
    1. Asthma
    2. High cholesterol
    3. Hypertension
    4. Hypothyroidism
    5. UTI

    Percy, it’s really hard to determine whether the side effects were caused by the chemo or Y-90? I believe it’s more of the chemo that caused:
    1. Anemia – My Mom received blood transfusion last October
    2. Fatigue
    3. Insomnia
    4. Lack of appetite – My Mom’s potassium level was low, replaced with potassium oral liquid
    5. Nausea/vomitting
    6. Shortness of breath, even with minimal exertion

    Occasional complaints of lightheadedness and no edema noted. I’m not sure about her liver enzymes.

    My Mom is slowly recovering from all of these. I believe the Remeron and Megace helped her a lot.

    God Bless.


    Hi, thanks for your answer,
    I want to keep track with the Y 90 patients to see the final result provided by this Tx and the relationship with the risk factor such as age and the current health status of the patient and past health issues will affected the outcome 4-6 months down the road or not.
    Does your mom has any other problem like high blood pressure, diabetic etc. BEFORE discovered she has CCA. Thanks again if you know the answer, and what side effects or medical problem that you may notice on you mom after radioembo ? More tired? And if so, how long? Recover the fatique by now?Develop any shortness of breath? Any side effects related to the heart such as blood pressure, edema , lighthead or abnormal liver function test.
    God bless.


    Hi Percy,

    To anwer your questions:

    1. My Mom’s 68 years old when she had both Y-90 treatments done.

    2-3. My Mom was on Gemcitabine and Cisplatin. I can’t remember exactly for how long. I believe her first round was 2nd week of March and last round was last week of April (or 1st week of May?). There were also a breaks somewhere in between.

    4. My Mom underwent “mapping” sometime in June. The IR doctor didn’t mention anything about the % of the leaking test for the lung. He just said that my Mom was a good candidate for the Y-9O procedure.

    Hope this info helps.

    God Bless


    but i have a couple question if you can answer.
    1.How old is your mom at the time of Y-90 treatment and
    2. WHAT chemotherapy or targeted therapy she had and
    3. how LONG she was on chemotherapy before the treatment?
    4. do you know the % of the leaking test for the lung(it should be below 25%)?
    thank for help out.
    God bless.


    Thanks Lainy and Marion…

    Hi Willow, it’s been 3 months since my Mom’s last Y-90 (she had a total of 2, about a month a part, targeting 2 parts of her liver). The Interventional Radiologist at UWMC was very impressed about the results, based on CT scan 1 month post-Y-90. We went to see her Oncologist at SCCA last Wednesday. Next CT scan of chest, abdomen and pelvis is scheduled sometime in January. He said that they’ll decide from there whether my Mom still needs to do more chemo or not.

    My Mom, though she continues to take Remeron and Megace daily, is doing great. Her abdominal pain is almost down to zero so we start to taper her Oxycontin dose.

    I continue to pray for my Mom’s complete healing. With God, NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE.


    May I ask if she has resumed chemo? If so, did it change from gem-Cis?


    Ibutiong….Wonderful, wonderful, news. Congratulations and thanks for making this a brighter day for all. May all good things continue.


    Dear Ibutoing, what a great report on your Mom. Thanks for that positive post and thanks for giving others HOPE! Wishing your Mom the very best and hoping for more good reports.


    Thank you for that update!! You’ve brought lots of hope as my sis (age 50) is following he exact treatment path…was on gem Cis, unread table due to portal vein involvement …about to have Y-90 radioembolization . So glad to hear it made such a difference for your Mom! I know it’s not a cure, but if it can shrink the tumors that dramatically , then it should buy lots of time.
    God IS good!


    Hi! My Mom was diagnosed with intra-hepatic CC last January 2012 at Providence Regional Med’l Ctr in Everett, WA. We were advised to seek a 2nd opinion at the UW Liver Tumor Clinic then SCCA. Because of the portal vein involvement, my Mom isn’t a candidate for surgery. She did the gemcitabine/cisplatin regimen and Y-90 Radioembolization. It was the latter that helped reduce the size of the tumor (>90%).

    My Mom is still being seen at the SCCA. I believe that my Mom is in good hands over there.

    Prayers provided comfort and security in this journey. God is good.

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