Scotts Transplant

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  • #20134

    Hi Brenda… Just peaked at your blog…. and I can’t say enough how happy I am for you both ! 1.2 almost perfect ? I would say it falls in the perfect range myself Wow! Now you know and Don’t worry as you surely have had it explained to you ,it is common to have post surgical infections especially with the big ole drain tube. So keep a close watch on shivers ,chills and sweats, and check temp even after release from hospital for a couple weeks. That’s when my infection became noticable approimately 8 days after tube was removed. I was in isolation for another 9 days back in my home town hospital until I was back on my feet again. It would not have been that long if I hadn’t been so stubborn and waited so long. Here I am giving advice and you have more doctors than you can count right now. I guess It’s my mother hen nature.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    Still another good wish and good thoughts going your way – hope is in the air and you’ve given us all a needed lift! We’re all in this with you,


    Brenda, you and Scott are both such fighters. Best wishes. Take care of yourself so you’ll have energy to help Scott when he comes home. Keep us updated.



    Brenda, thanks for keeping us informed. Wishing all the best for a speedy recovery and many good things coming your way.


    Thanks to all for the prayers and support. We’re hanging in and doing well. I’m so grateful for the challenges of recovering as opposed to hitting our head against the wall waiting for a donor.

    God Bless and much love,


    Brenda…. I am so happy Scott is now breathing on his own and that he is doing excellent! Brenda I can honestly say I would have broken down in tears as well. To have the Husband of the wife who was going to get the liver if Scott was unable, introduce himself and explain his wife has only 2-3 days left if she doesn’t get one , is a hard pill to swallow. The Lord meant this liver to be for Scott and now we can pray and hope this man’s wife gets hers as well. You need to focus on the gratitude at the moment. You and Scott have fought a tough and emotional battle. We all wish there were more livers and the right match, but unfortunately there is not. The National Protocal in place after years of developing decided who would be the best recipient so that a liver does not go unused. I pray that Scott continues to do excellent and that the other transplant happens as well.

    God Bless You Both!
    Jeff G.

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