Seattle Cancer Center

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Seattle Cancer Center

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    Mark is being treated there now….he was treated years ago for his Hodgkin’s probably before it was SCCA but he has nothing but good to say. Mark’s currently being treated at Virginia Mason which is not part of SCCA but they would have been our second opinion if it was needed.
    Also be sure and give yourself plenty of time to get from Portland to Seattle….the traffic the last few miles into Seattle can be brutal any time of the day and then if you leave Seattle any later than about 2:30 getting out of Seattle won’t be too bad, it’s getting through the Fort Lewis area.
    Good Luck and keep us posted.



    So happy for you Porter and its only a couple weeks away. All I have heard is they are pretty good. Hope you will hear from a few others. Go to our search button at the top, type in the name of the hospital an info or other posts will appear!


    Hi all, so I have an appt at this center first week in December for consult/second opinion. Has anyone had any experience with them? If so I would love to hear your thoughts/comments. Have a fabulous day all. :)

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