Second Opinion from USC on our Jeff – an update – good news

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Second Opinion from USC on our Jeff – an update – good news

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    Bob and Nancy,
    Great news! So glad the second opinion was positive and hopeful. Praying for good results and surgery.


    Hi Bob and Nancy,

    Thanks for letting us know how Jeff is getting on right now. That is great that you sought out a second opinion and great to hear as well that it turned out to be so positive as well. And for sure, I hope for a clean scan and the best possible results from Jeff’s tests. Loads of positive thoughts coming Jeff’s way and fingers are crossed here that these tests will lead to surgery.

    My best wishes to you all,



    Dear Bob and Nancy,

    I am so happy that Jeff’s 2nd opinion turned out so well! Especially the part about maybe being able to have surgery. It is so great and uplifting to be given hope. I wish you all the best and pray for great things to happen for Jeff.

    Love, -Pam


    Hi Bob and Nancy:

    I’ve been waiting for your report, and I’m glad to hear that you had a good experience! Like you, we will always be grateful to those on this board that prompted us to get a second opinion. It changed our life.

    Your experience with Dr. Selby was very similar to ours. We immediately felt (in a way we hadn’t before) that no matter what the outcome, Dr. Selby would ALWAYS have our best interests in mind, would do absolutely anything he could to make me feel better (no matter what protocols might say), and for that reason we could trust him. For that reason, he still coordinates my overall care.

    I am so impressed that Jeff is continuing his normal routine. He’s very strong! I hope the further testing indicates that surgery is possible. We will keep you and Jeff in our thoughts and prayers.



    Dear Bob & Nancy, another example of why we believe in second opinions. This is great news and we are all looking for good news to come. Good luck on the appointment, we will be anxious to hear what the Doc says. Wishing you the best and thanks for the update.


    Bob&Nancy….I am happy to hear that you have obtained a second, professional, opinion from a surgeon “very” familiar with this disease and that due to your vigilance a window of hope has opened for dear Jeff.

    Bob&Nancy, a few years back we had a situation in that a patient was a bit younger than your dear Jeff, but with similar circumstances. And, like your Jeff, she tolerated treatments surprisingly well.

    Please know that a tidal wave of good wishes is heading your way and please stay in touch. We care.



    Jeff has continued his regime of chemo with Oxaliplatin and Xeloda. He is having some of the expected side-effects, but so far, he has continued to work and continues to maintain his normal routine.

    For those of you that encouraged us to get a second opinion (and especially to Mark) we cannot thank you enough. For those of you considering a second opinion, we hope you can benefit from our experience and we would strongly encourage you to consider obtaining a second opinion.

    In our case, one of CCF’s fellow members, Mark, recommended Dr. Rick Selby at USC as a possible second opinion regarding surgery for our son, Jeff. We had our evaluation with Dr. Selby on Friday.

    We had a totally positive experience. In Jeff’s situation, Dr. Selby was able to provide us with some additional options concerning possible surgery, but most importantly, – he provided us with a ray of hope. Those of you going through this CC experience KNOW what a special gift such a ray of hope can be.

    Dr. Selby and his team will be running an additional round of diagnostic testing including a PET Scan and probably another MRCP procedure to take another closer look at the bile duct. Of course, the hope and prayer is that we do not find any previously unknown tumors. (We know that Jeff has tumors in his bile duct, liver and left lung.)

    Additionally, Dr. Selby hopes to get a better idea as to just exactly how the bile duct tumor is situated. IF things go well with the testing, then surgery IS a viable option for Jeff. The scheduling for the additional testing will begin on Monday and hopefully, within a couple of weeks, we will be in a position of being able to obtain surgery.

    For our son Jeff, please hope and pray for clean scans and diagnostic testing results that make surgery a viable option for him.

    We really really liked Dr. Selby! Thank you Mark for your recommendation.

    As always, our thoughts and prayers continue to be with our new CCF family.

    With renewed hope…
    Bob & Nancy (Jeff’s Mom & Dad)

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