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  • #50591

    Hi Jackie, if you go to our search button and type in Gas you will get past posts on that subject. I remember our own Kris (devoncat) had quite a problem with it. Teddy was on Prevacid every morning before breakfast. After the Whipple the digestive system is always thrown off track. Mylanta helped him as well. Good luck on this one. I know it can be so uncomfortable.


    Hi everyone! Iam back. My sister has had severe gas since her first and only chemo, this round (may 13). We have spent two nights in the er, first was a uti, antibiotics did the trick. Second was for gas that is awfull. It keeps her from eating because of the pain.She has not had a real meal since May13th. She is drinking shakes, switches what one and trying deifferant foods but everything is so gasey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Second trip to er was to check on an incisional hernia she got from her whipple. The doc wanted to make sure that it had not become a bowel obstruction-good news-it is not, bad news what to do for gas? She is taking “creon,” enzymes after her whipple to aide in digestion, gasx and beano-max doses on all.This has gotten really ugly really quickly! Any help would be greatly appreciated. Prayers go out to all!

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