Shakes and Tremors since Ressection

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    Lisa…sorry, I was under the impression that your Mom had surgery within the last few weeks. Good to know that your Mom is seeing the physician tomorrow. I am sure that you will receive some answers re: abdominal fluid retention, confused state of mind and her consistent tremors.
    Good luck and please keep us posted. We care.


    Thank you Pam.


    Hi Lisa,

    I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry for how bad your Mom is feeling. I hope the doctor can come up with a plan to help her feel better. I wish your whole family all the best.



    No, she is home now, but still weak with dimentia-like symptoms. She has an appointment tomorrow to discuss issues. We noticed instantly after surgery(March 2012), that her pinky would stick out and now the whole hand shakes uncontrollably. What we have noticed lately is that her stomach is swelling and that hasn’t happened since the complications of water swelling after the surgery. I will remind my dad to bring it up at the doctor visit. Her chemo and radiation treatment was completed about one month ago. She has never been the same always in a chair, she doesn’t read anymore and she is depressed. This is a woman who was constantly putting others before herself and giving, giving, giving. My dad is no longer working and is her nursemaid, he seems spent and we (the kids) are worried about him too.

    Thanks for replying.


    Lisa…no, that is not what happens after a resection. Are you at the Emergency now? They will run a blood test and culture for possible infection and other possibilities. Please, keep us posted.
    Tons of good wishes are heading your way.


    I haven’t been on this site for a good while and since my mother (age 65) was diagnosed last year, she has had the ressection, the chemo and radiation came later when she changed doctors. However, she has never been the same since, she has shakes and tremors uncontrollably now and she has dementia symptoms. Is this from the treatments, will she improve. I feel bad because my family and I are constantly depressed and want to help her and want to see some kind of improvement but it seems to be either one month it’s sepsis or the next month another UTI. She is not improving. Emergency nurses have asked if she has Parkinsons. She is unsteady now when she walks. Is this what happens after ressection and treatment? Will she get better?


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