Shirley – My Sister

Discussion Board Forums In Remembrance Shirley – My Sister

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    I just put my sister’s picture on the faces of this website. I hope it shows up soon so you can all see how beautiful she was!!!


    Dear Teresa,

    Don’t be a stranger. Keep coming back. I didn’t find this site until a few days after my husband passed on & I can’t tell you how much comfort & support I have gotten from everyone here. No one can know what we have & are going through except those of us who have lived it. How much you loved your sister did come through & I know that she knows that too.

    Be good to yourself now & take care of yourself & your lovely family. Also know that you have “family” here too, to come to when you are feeling down. I also find that helping others new to the site helps me too.



    It is amazing how hearing from other people who are affected by this disease or have watched somebody pass away can help so much. I cried so much reading your responses but it felt very good.

    The one thing that I hope I portrayed throughout this horrible journey was how much I loved my sister Shirley. She was 42 and left a 13 year old son and a 15 year old daughter. She was my very best friend for 40 years. I have a huge hole in my heart right now. I know that I will make it because I have wonderful children and an awesome husband of 20 years. But it will be a much sadder life than it was supposed to be. I guess I should have made more friends in my life.

    But I do want you guys to know that you help people so much on this site. You are wonderful. I never posted much but when I did, I received awesome support. Please know what great work and friendship you give. Thank you again.



    Dear Teresa,

    Sincere condolensenses and sympathies on the passing of your sister. I remember when you joined this group. You have been a very kind, compassionate & loving sister. You helped her so much in the fight against this horrid disease. Rememeber all the wonderful times you and your sister had together. Prayers for you and your family.




    I am so sorry to hear of Shirley’s death but so glad she had you with her. You are an incredible woman and Shirley was so fortunate to have such a loving and caring sister with her through her journey.

    I know you are probably drained, tired and weary right now. Concentrate on taking care of youself and try and focus on the wonderful memories you have of your sister.

    You will be in my thoughts and prayers.





    Accompanying someone along the road this disease follows is the most difficult thing I have ever done. I have never felt so helpless, we can show compassion but we cannot will mercy on the sick. I hope you have loved ones around you who can accompany you and comfort you as you grieve.



    Dear Teresa,
    All my sympathy for the loss of your sister. I know your heart is broken right now, and I wish I had the words to heal you. We’re all here for you, and we empathize. It was truly noble of you to be with your sister at the end. May she rest in peace.
    Joyce M



    I am sorry for your loss. I know it is sad, but as you said, she is now at peace & no longer suffering from this terrible disease.. Just remember that she will always be close by & forever in your heart.

    It was wonderful that you could be there for her to help easy her passing. I know how hard it is to watch a loved one pass away from CC. You & your family are in my thoughts & prayers.



    What a brave, honorable person you are Teresa. I admire your strength and courage during such an awful, awful time. I pray that God brings you comfort, healing and continued strength throughout the days to come.



    Teresa, we are so sorry to hear of your sister’s passing. She was very lucky to have you help ease her through this terrible journey. Try to remember the good times and the way she was before CC took its hold. Remember she is never far away as she is forever in your heart. Our prayers go to you and your family.


    Teresa, I am so sorry for the loss of your sister. May she rest in peace, and may God comfort you and your family.


    My sister Shirley passed away on January 23, 2009 between 6:30 and 7:00 a.m. at the Kansas City Hospice House. I was with her for her final days here on Earth. I will say that this is absolutely the most horrible disease I have ever encountered and I pray that I never have to sit with a loved one dying ever again. I did it so that I could help her pass as comfortably as she could. But she did suffer. That disease made it to where she could not eat or drink for the last 13 days of her life. I am thankful she is at peace now but I am sad that she is gone.

    Thank you for this website.


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