Should we stick with stable?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Should we stick with stable?

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    Hi Catherine,

    Real glad to hear that your mum has the boxing gloves on again! Tell her from me to keep on punching and hit that CC with some large haymakers!!

    My best to you and your mum,



    Thank you Melinda. I shared your post with Mom and also some of your news articles. Not surprisingly she loved the fighting attitude and said to share how much she admires your courage. She now has the boxing gloves on. You are inspirational. Catherine.


    I say kick it while it is down….stomp it, demolish it….go get em…..I picture your mom with boxing gloves on pounding the heck out of this stupid cancer!!!
    Melinda B.


    Middlesister…I’m so glad to hear that you are pushing and pushing hard to get the care and treatment your mom deserves and needs. I believe that anything dealing with the treatment of CC needs to be as aggressive as your body can handle….because it’s an aggressive cancer and doesn’t “play nicely”. It sounds like the tumor board is looking at being aggressive to try to get ahead of the CC. Splendid!!! I understand about being concerned with your mom’s CC being intrahepatic It is what I have also and it seems that everything about intrahepatic is worse. But, all the more reason, in my mind, to be aggressive and not throw in the towel. The fight is far from over.

    Julie T.


    Dear MidSis, Catherine, I agree with your decision but I am not a Med Pro, I feel that you want to leave no stone unturned. You will never ask yourselves later, should we, could we, would we. Perhaps we need to hit hard while the CC is down instead of waiting for it to get up again. I am glad that you are with a progressive and aggressive ONC. Best wishes to you and your Mother!



    I’m glad we pushed rather than wait for progression and then go back on chemo. We asked our ONC to have the “tumor board” team to take another look and their suggestion was to go and do the Y90 again (had it done in Feb). They stated that since she has been stable since then (no mets anywhere else) and she has responded so well to the 3 chemo cycles and SIRT, to go back and hit it hard. Goal is not only to kill the tumor, but to effectively have a radiation lobectomy. Since the left lobe is so much smaller, plenty of right left to function well. Additionally, right lobe has already increased in size to pick up damage they did to left in Feb.

    So far, I only found one reference to radiation lobectomy and the HCC patients had a 46% 5-year survival (not too shabby), but that Mom is ICC and in a lousy location, we’ll see how it goes (this is my concern not something doctor said). However, we are very happy with going down this road. The Y90 is outpatient and fatigure for about 2 weeks. She will have to go on xeloda 2 weeks prior and 4 weeks after to promote uptake of the radiation. PET scan will be 3 months later. Hopefully we are doing this soon enough.



    This is one thing that I don’t think I’ve convinced my onc on. I will never be stronger than I am now, so now is the time to be aggressive and find out just what my limits are. We can always back off later as conditions dictate. I’m concerned if we slow down too early, we can never regain the lost ground. As to whether or not I should expect an improvement, the only way to find out is to try. Easy to say now, ask me again in six months.



    Hi. We pushed to see if we should be aggressive rather than wait for a bad scan and then restart chemo. Meeting is Tuesday with interventional radiology and we may do more SIRT. I read another post today which mentioned that because surgery was not an option all they could do was chemo. I hope all are looking into other options as well (rfa,radiation,sirt,etc) . You need an interdisciplinary team and not just an Oncologist. Onc view seemed to be that Mom already has surpassed the norms, but I do not think she knows that the norm has changed and although gem/cis is standard first line, targeted treatments are contributing to longer survival times.


    Dear Catherine,
    I want to join in the “YIPEE” song and dance as well!!! Congratulations on your mother’s good news. It sounds like she is due for a much deserved break. It is always good to keep thinking and always staying one step ahead in this game, sounds like you are exploring the options… is always comforting to have a future plan. Enjoy some quality time with your momma and love on her lots!


    You’re most welcome Catherine and I;ll join you and Lainy in doing the Yippee dance and shout!! Great news about your mum, thanks for sharing that with us all!

    I hear what you say about your mum and the ticking time bomb etc. My advice would be to wait and see what the onc and the rest of your mums team say and take it from there. More waiting I know, grrr to that as we all know but at lest then you’ll have some more opinions on what can be done etc. And of course, you can keep looking for other possible treatments in the meantime.

    I agree with Lainy as well, taking a break from everything, relaxing and enjoying the end of the summer sounds like a plan to me. Hope that you and your mum can enjoy this news and you know as well that we are always here for you too.




    Dear Catherine, you can use my YIPPEE any time! Its just a hard call on what to do. I think what your Mom feels is normal, I would feel the same way like a ticking bomb. I am not a medical person but I agree with you that logically why would they not “hit” the smaller tumor instead of waiting for something more. Doesn’t make sense and I would ask the ONC to explain this. I know that Cyber Knife is really non evasive and her tumor is just the right size for that. The only side effect is some tiredness for a week or so. To take a break from it all for a few weeks is not going to hurt anything while you decide what you really want to do and please don’t forget to listen to your gut, it is usually right. I hope Mom enjoys some of this free time!


    To use Lainy’s term- YIPPEE!!!

    Met with Mom’s oncologist, and tumor even got a bit smaller (3.5×4.1) from residual radiation effects from SIRT she had in Feb. We were told come back in another 3 months. From what I’ve read, treatment free for such a long spell is a blessing – we were so thankful for the results.

    However, I still worry that we should be doing more. I asked about RFA and just sent her doctor recent references (thank you Gavin) showing how patients after SIRT went on to eradicate a single tumor using RFA. I also sent an article from last month where the mean survial was 38 months (out to 69 months) for this treatment. It was a small study group, but guess that is the norm for CC.

    Mom mentioned on the ride home that she feels like she is living with a ticking bomb inside of her. Her oncologist said she would confer with the team and see their thoughts on additional targeted therapy. Dr. Moeslein (Percy has mentioned him) did her SIRT and also is a pioneer in nanoknife . I’m not sure if he does RFA as well.

    I worry that we may be missing an opportunity while the tumor is small to treat it, but also worry that I am pushing to put her through more invasive treatments that may not prolong her life. I guess what no one has definitively answered (and probably don’t know) is if we get rid of the one tumor, will it give us a longer stretch of time till it progresses.

    Her doctor only treats a handful of CC patients, and Mom has already exceeeded her expectations from first diagnosis last October. They (Univ of MD) do have a diverse tumor team, and so far I feel her treatment has been the best possible mix of agressive treatment with minimal impact to well being and quality of life.

    Thank you all for being here.



    Hi Catherine,

    What great news about your mum, stable, love it! Thanks for sharing that with us all. How does your mum feel about further treatments and fighting this if need be? I always said to my dad that I would support him in what ever decision that he wanted to take that he felt was best for him. If he wanted to fight it as hard as he could I would be there for him and equally, if he wanted to not fight I would support him also. See what the next scan and blood results say, also what the onc says and then take things from there I would say.

    My fingers are crossed for the best possible results for your mum and please let us know how things go.




    Wonderful news! I love the word stable! And I completely understand the question of fight or maintain…. I think asking if there are any options like CK is a great idea. See what the onc thinks. Feeling good is a luxury most of us no longer take for granted, so I think this will be a very personal choice. Keep us informed: I can’t wait to hear how things go!


    Hello, Catherine and I love waking up to good news. Yes, stable is good news but I have one suggestion. The tumor is now the right size for Cyber Knife, has the ONC ever mentioned that? Teddy had C.K. and for him it bought him another 3 years. It is non evasive and at the time we felt it was a miracle. Takes 4-5 treatment days and the only side effect he had was some fatigue. A lot could depend on your Mom’s age. Teddy always asked the ONC, when thinking over a decision, what would you do if it was your Mother? What ever you decide I imagine she would enter into a watch program with him, like every 3 months. I know it is a big decision and do not envy you at all. Please know that the decision you all make is the right one!

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