Should we stick with stable?

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Should we stick with stable?

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    Monday we find out scan and blood results for my mother. She was diagnosed in Oct, unsucessful resection in Nov, 3 Gem/Cis cycles and then had SIRT at the end of February. Chemo shrunk the tumor 25% and SIRT killed the center of it. The treatment-free life has been wonderful since then; you would still have no idea she has cancer.

    If we are somehow fortunate enough that it has not grown or spread over last 3 months, should we continue without treatments? At last visit her oncologist said we would hold off on more chemo until tests started showing progression or she started feeling symptoms. I did read that some have RFA after SIRT and they are able to completely kill the tumor. However, I know killing tumor does not mean it won’t be popping up again, but will getting rid of the tumor increase time until progression?

    If we have progression, it will be back to gem/cis, but if we’re still only dealing with the one 4-cm tumor, should we attack harder?

    Take care,

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