My husband Joe had embolization which I think is the same thing as the spheres one day prior to haveing Ablation done to an active tumor in his liver. the purpose was to cut off the blood supply to the tumor before zapping it. It worked and the follow up PET scan showed the tumor was dead. He is now taking enzymes to help rid the liver of the dead tissue. He stillhas two other tumors in his liver but they are too large for ablation and are not as active. His is intrahepatic also and the end of this month will mark a year since diagnosis. he also had 5 small tumors in his lungs which are not growing. Don’t see a lot of people with intrahepatic but they seem to do better than extrahepatic. Joe ha had no stents, jaundice bloating or any other symptoms except a queezy stomach which is gone now. Don’t come on this site too often so had a lot to catch up on. Thanks for all of you sharing what is going on. It helps to hear about other situations. Mary Anne