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  • #28703

    thank you


    Deb, Dr Andrew Kennedy in Raleigh, NC is one of the leaders int his therapy. I have heard wonderful things about him. I found his nurse Mary to be most helpful. Unfortunately, it wasn’t in the cards for us.


    Deb….this is the site which reveals centers in the USA.
    Others may be able to share more information with you. Also, by entering “sirsphere” into the Search Function you will be able to read up on previous postings. Good luck.


    Do you happen to know if sir spheres is done anywhere on the east coast?


    hi barbara,
    my wife had this procedure done and she came through it fine, no problems except feeling a little tired…hers was done on feb 5th, on the 22nd of this month is her scan to see the outcome of the procedure…they didnt say to stay away from each other or other people or children but they dont suggest that you snuggle up to one another either…good luck on your mapping session…….

    glightfoot …was happy to read about your experience with this procedure, i hope my wife has the same outcome as you…good luck and prayers to both of you …..ron


    Hi Barbara,

    I had the sir spheres done 2 years ago and had excellent results from it. Though they weren’t able to give me the full dose because it was backing up, my liver tumors haven’t given me any problems since the procedure. They suggested that I sleep in a separate bed, though I didn’t end up doing that — my husband and I just kept to our side of our king size bed. The half life of the radiation is quite short and it doesn’t go very far in distance.

    Another thing that happened, though it’s not usual is that I had vomiting after the procedure and they kept me in the hospital overnight instead of sending me home that day.

    I hope this helps,



    I have opted to go with this procedure rather than the external radiation after my liver tumor shrunk from chemo. I have looked at search on this. Would anyone want to share the experience? Did you have to be isolated from people for a period of time? I am having the procedure 6/23 after a mapping session.

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