Sorry I have been MIA. Just a little background. My dad had a Whipple in March 2010 and several complications and add’l surgerys. We started Gemzar in December and it has been a bevy of complications. He is back in the hospital this week, second time this month, but he is really in tough shape. His bilirubin is high, he has endocarditis, he had a cyst under his sternum drained yesterday and a drain left in and he has cultures growing all kinds of problems. In addition, he got some more RBC last night, but his number is still terrible (8.3 but up from 7). Because of his infection issue, he does not have a port, but needs a PICC line, but the attempt failed. I spent the first night in the hospital, but have gone home for about 12 hours the last two nights to try and recoup some sleep. What prompted me to force him to come Sunday night was a fever of 104.8 that I could not get down. Basically since we started the Gemzar, he has run some kind of fever five or six days of the week.
We have a great team of Drs. and the floor hospitalist is on top of everything, as he seems to be here a dozen times a day, but I am really worried.