So Frustrated!

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    Texaslady, welcome to our extraordinary family but sorry you had to join us. I am a tad confused. Your mother was diagnosed with bile duct Cancer and they are saying now that the chemo worked and there is none? i don’t want to alarm you but we have had other complaints about a Hospital in San Antonio but for the life of me I can’t remember the name. It is best for a CC patient to be seen at a major cancer center as they have had much more success and more patients with CC. Also sounds like there is a major communication problem where you are. I would look into where else your Mother could be taken. Please keep us posted as we truly care.


    Mona, she is being treated at the START center, Dana


    Hi Dana. I see your mom is being treated in San Antonio. My mom is also being treated in San Antonio. Is she going to CRTC? Mona


    Hi Texas Lady ! So sorry for your heart felt frustrations and I pray for health and peace of mind for you and your family. I am also in Texas and wrote my first post in introductions this evening under teamdanes…Dana


    My mother was diagnosed with bile duct cancer (in common bile duct) in January of this year. She has 23 treatments (Xeloda/radiation) out of 26. They stopped the treatments due to abdominal swelling. She was given lasix which took care of it. Her last treatment was April 28th. In the meantime, she has been eating very little due to food tasting bad. She was admitted to the hospital two weeks ago for NG tube feedings. She was there for about five days receiving glucerna through the tube at 20cc/hr. The plan was to supplement her through the tube which still feeding her orally. While she was there they did a ercp to check her stents and a cat scan. The report came back that the bile ducts were tumor free. There was a spot on her duodenum that was biopsied. It came back benign. After she was sent home, the eating problem continued. She is currently at 84 lbs. The oncologist had her admitted back to the hospital to try to determine what is going on. The hospitalist came to visit her this evening. He was none to happy to see her return. He told my sister they did everything they could for her while she was there. He also told her there were no good options for my mom. My sister told him her scans came back clean. He said scans are not always right. He then tells her about a patient that had a clean scan who died shortly after the scan. They did an autopsy that revealed her lungs were full of cancer. I’m appalled by his attitude. My sister said he was very rude and seem to be angry.The concern is will she get the care she needs and deserves. It’s so frustrating. There have been so many dr’s and none of them seem to be communicating with one another. The oncologist was not even aware that my mom had a cat scan and ercp done at the hospital. He never received the results. This is really scary! Thanks for listening.

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