Soooooo tired today!

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    My sister gets very, very fatigued a few days after chemo, Rick & there’s no real consistency about when it hits her, either.

    I hope you get your bounce back very soon.

    Julia x



    Tom is on a 2 week on one week off chemo cycle with Xeloda (pills) and he gets extremely tired. We too thought he’d ‘bounce’ back on his off weeks but it’s a no go. He had a few hours out of each day when he’s not so tired, but by 5pm or so, he’s pretty much ready for bed cause he is so wiped out. I think it’s a normal reaction and my thought is that if your body needs the sleep, then sleep!

    Tom said that he feels like a lousy husband because he sleeps a lot, but even though he is sleeping, he is still here with me and I’ll take him sleeping or awake.

    Even though you are not able to run around the yard with the kids right now, you can do more quiet things with them, like sitting with them to read a book (not certain what ages your children are) or playing a game with them, or watching a favorite TV show or movie with them. Trust me, they will remember those moments just as well as running around the yard with them! In fact, moments like those may mean more to them in the long run.

    You could also schedule “Dates” with your children. One on One, just you and one of the children at a time. Each child gets an hour or so with dad to do something special. It may be just a drive to go get an ice cream cone and sit and talk. Or go to a park and swing on the swings and have a small picnic.

    Hope this gives you some ideas and I hope you cherish each moment that you have with the kids.

    Prayers from Wisconsin are coming your way.

    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.

    Margaret (My husband and Cholangiocarcinoma)


    Rick –

    I am into month 8 for chemo, most of which was GEMOX and Tarceva and now just gemcitabine and Tarceva, dropped the oxaliplatin after 6.5 months. Fatigue was the worst SE after peripheral neuropathy and cold sensitivity.

    I found fatigue the worst day 2-3 after infusion, but you’ll find others on this site have had a variety of experiences with fatigue. And yes, sometimes it seemed to hit me more than others and that’s when it really stunk. It was like it came in waves.
    I did find that even a little exercise helped me to combat the fatigue, I’m talking as little as 10 minutes on the treadmill and some free weights when it was at it’s worst, thankfully I can do more now. Often this would exhaust me but I think in the end it helped my body to combat the fatigue. Watch what you’re eating too – our diets tend to change and some foods can weigh you down more than others. I found myself craving lean protein and fish more which helped me avoid “food comas” after meals.

    Try your best not to dwell on it…if you find yourself sleeping all day you may want to talk to your physician as it is sometimes hard to discern fatigue from depression. God knows we’ve all got enough reason to be depressed going through this!

    Getting out of the house and taking walks, just getting outside is very helpful to me personally. If you have a four-legged friend, take them for a walk as a reason to get out.

    Hang in there, the fatigue will come and go in waves. Listen to what others suggest on this site, there is a plethora of experience here! Good luck Buddy,

    Mark S.


    I just finished 6 cycles of chemo (gemzar and oxiplatin), one week on/one week off. The tiredness/fatigue increased throughout the course of the treatment, which I understand is normal. At the moment, one week after the last infusion, I’m completely knackered but I’m learned not to push things…..I’ll bounce back when my body is ready to go again.
    Look after yourself……………Gerry


    Hi Rick and hoping you are feeling better. Just because it is Easter you don’t have to be the Energetic Bunny! The spurts of low energy seem to go with the territory. Teddy’s ONC has him on monthly shots of B12. Not sure they do that much but then what would his energy be like if he was not on them? So we do the B12. The only other suggestion I would make is to tell your Oncologist and see if perhaps you are low in something from the Chemo. Have a wonderful Easter with all your little bunnies!


    Rick….playing with kids takes much energy even for those not undergoing chemotherapy. Just when we thought we had a predictable response to my husband’s treatment and expected energy level something else would pop up. It seems to be part of the game. You might need to rest up a bit more. Hopefully, you will be more energetic within a few days.
    I am glad to hear that your weather is nice because, it is raining in Northern California.
    Best wishes coming your way,


    The last 2 days I’ve had a really tough time getting going. I don’t have a “bounce” in my step nearly as much these days anyways, but this is particularly frustrating the last few days. It’s nice outside/spring weather, kids want to play/play/play and I don’t have the energy to do much with the family. So very frustrating.

    Hopefully I’ll get a little bit of “bounce” back. I have my off week of chemo starting today which should help some. But I can’t really figure out why I’m so darn tired – my last chemo was a week ago and I’m usually recharged after just a few days.

    Anyone else have bouts of fatigue that you can’t really pin on anything? I’m wondering if it is just the nature of having cancer or if the chemo is really affecting me even a week after the last infusion.


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