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  • #92834

    Beth….I too find myself struggling with duplicate postings and I have been on this site for more than 10 years. The delete button below an individual’s posting works as well, but as our dear Gavin mentioned, he is here to clean up after us all. What would we do without him?



    Hi Beth,

    Welcome to the site. No problems with the postings, that seems to happen a bit around here when someone goes to post something! It’s happened to me and all the others as well so you are not alone in that one! I deleted them all and left just the one remaining in the intro section for you.

    Sorry that you had to find us all here and sorry to hear what you are going through. But I am glad that you’ve joined in with us as you so are in the best place for support and help and you will get a load of both from all of us here. Thanks for sharing everything that is going on with you right now. I know it can get a bit quiet around here during the weekends but I know that the others will be along soon to welcome you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you so post away. And don’t worry if a single post appears a few times again as I will just clean em up! And it is nothing to do with the net or your computer either so don’t worry about that either!

    My best to you,



    I didn’t mean to spam the group with multiple posts. Something odd is going on with either the net or my computer. Please forgive me.

    Thank You, Elizabeth “Beth”

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