Spot on liver

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    Thank you all for some great hope!! Dads MRI is on Friday and PET scan is on Monday. Although, his follow up appointment is not until the second week of January. I am very surprised they are going to make him stress like this over the holidays. I would think they would call him if something was wrong.

    Elaine that is great!!! You know I kinda remeber that my dads tumor marker went totally out of whack one month and then it came back down to normal.

    Lots of love and prayers to everyone and their loved ones.


    Yay for vascular profusion! We need more of that!



    We received a call from our dr.’s office yesterday saying the spot on Gary’s liver was “vascular profusion” – not cancer. She said that means its an area of the liver that is more suseptable to the dye used for the CT scan. That would be great news for us (if it’s true, because it contradicts what the dr. and onc. told us) – except that his CA-19 IS up so most surely there’s cancer brewing in there somewhere and we will continue chemo. But in your case maybe it’s not any additional cancer at all. Here’s hoping and praying for you. Elaine


    I had a suspicious spot that turned into nothing so there is hope. Good luck on the PET scan and I hope you get the news we all long to hear.




    My husband, Gary, had the Whipple one year ago with clear margins and nodes. He had a CT scan last week which shows a spot on the liver (not seen 2 weeks earlier). They want to biopsy it because his CA-19 levels HAVE gone up some over the past 2 months, but the spot is in a “difficult” place so may not be able to get at it. Your dad’s situation sounds different though because of his bloodwork, and here’s hoping and praying you get good news quickly.



    Hi Kay

    I just have a minute here…have to get back to work! But, your father’s situation sounds very similar to mine. I had my first CT in September after surgery in May, and two spots were seen which were a bit concerning. I then had a PET/CT scan and it was entirely negative and the two areas were just thought to be post surgical changes. My next CT is later this month and I can say I will be more anxious this time! I know others here who have also experienced similar situations which turned out negative.

    Anyway, I hope that helps a bit. Wishing your dad all the best!



    Hi there

    Dad was diagnosed with CC in 10/07. He had his tumor resected and the surgeoon took out about 1/3 of his liver and gallbladder. No lymph nodes were involved and they established negative margins in the area. Blood work has been great and he is still on the CT scan ever 3 months. Back in August they saw a spot on his liver. When they did his last CT scan,last week the spot (nodule)looked more clear. Surgeon said he is not really concerened becasue his blood work has not changed but is sending him fo a Pet scan just in case. As you can imagine this has hit the family like a ton of bricks. Especially right before the holidays. Has anyone had spots or nodules that turned out to be nothing? Would his blood work have changed since August if the cancer was back? Thank you so much for your thoughts


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