Spotlight on Clinical Trials: Capecitabine, Gemcitabine, and Radiation

Discussion Board Forums Announcements Spotlight on Clinical Trials: Capecitabine, Gemcitabine, and Radiation

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  • #36689

    Looking forward to tomorrow’s web conference.


    I am looking forward to a discussion amongst our members proceeding this presentation by Dr. Ben-Josef. This particular study is focused on adjuvant therapy and compares radiation vs. chemo and radiation. You may also want to make your oncologist aware of this presentation.
    Talk to you soon,


    I think everyone may have noticed the banner that Rick added to the message boards, announcing this particular clinical trial spotlight. This is a pretty big deal, since the study combines chemo with radiation. If you have time to attend, please join us on this call. You should be able to listen in via the internet connection, so no long distance call will be necessary if your computer has speakers. If you are unable to join us, please note that the recording will be uploaded to our website within a week of the webinar.

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