Squashed stomach! Or, are women are more than their waists?

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    I get Betapred. I get a large dose in iv form when I get my chemo then for the next 3 days I gradually lower the dose to wean myself off only to restart 3 days later. They are using the steroid to help with the nausea (it must help as I have never become sick) and to help with the inflammation in my liver. My liver is super sensitive now and if I take any medicine, my liver values jump.

    For me taking steroids is a mixed bag. Yay no vomit and healthier liver. Boo everything else. I am losing my hair, have not shaved it off yet since I *think* when I wear scarves the hair coming out the bottom helps carry off a Bohemian as opposed to cancer look. But it is very thin on top. I basically have the deluded man comb over look going on. But then on my chin, I have the steroid induced goatee. That just isnt fair. Then all the weight gain. I swear I wake up in the middle of the night and NEED to eat. I am so hungry it is actually slightly painful. Over the last 3 months, I have put on 10 kilos (For us Americans 22 pounds!). My nurse was concerned about how I was taking it given with my hair loss I look so different. But I try look at it as when things start going really down hill, I will have more reserves my body can break down and use..llike being the fatter person on the lifeboat in the middle of the ocean. Still 22 pounds..wow. Go betapred!



    Hi Kris,

    Thanks for responding. I love love love reading your posts–your openness and your sense of humor. We put in a new garden this spring when I didn’t think I would make it to Memorial Day, and my husband loves it. So I figure, like weeds, I’ll always be with him!

    Anyway, that’s interesting about the re-routing. Am going in for a stent change next week so I’ll ask about that.

    I’ve started and stopped on the steroids several times, mostly because they make me so hungry. But the palliative care doc convinced me not to worry about weight–the steroids help me keep muscle longer, which means I can walk and garden and do the things I love longer. I take 2.5 mg of oxandrolone a day. What kind are you taking?

    All the best,


    I think my “squashed stomach” is more the result of all the weight I am gaining. Gotta love those steroids. :)

    You are bringing up an interesting point about how the tumor interacts with surrounding organs, not just those where the tumor resides. I noticed a pronounced increase in pain during my period this month and now that you mention it, I bet it was because my tumor was pressing on already inflammed organs.

    The thing you might need to look out for is that the tumor might close off part of your intestine or lower stomach which will make digestion almost impossible. It happened to me, but then they just rerouted my digestive track.



    Hi all you wonderful and supportive people,

    Wondered if anyone with experience with “squashed stomach” would be willing to share? My palliative care specialist said the reason I’m suddenly bulgier and heavier around the middle is my spleen and liver are enlarged and taking away room from other deserving organs. Such as my stomach (I feel uncomfortably full and can’t eat much at a time). And that in England they call this a “squashed stomach.” It’s not necessarily ascites, but that could be a factor. Note: just for reference I’m two years from diagnosis and resection, nine months from recurrence, and have otherwise been feeling pretty decent!

    Does this get progressively worse? Does it mean a sort of tipping point in the inevitable decline? Are there any strategies for coping (milkshake diet, anyone)? Any thoughts appreciated! Thank you, –Cody

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