Stage IV CC diagnosed March 18th

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Stage IV CC diagnosed March 18th

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    Hi Connie……Following Nancy and Lainy I would also like to welcome you to our site. Please, know that you are not alone. We are here for you. Connie, would you mind sharing a bit more info with us? Where has your husband been diagnosed? And, has a resection been ruled out? Has radiotherapy also been ruled out?
    Hang in there, we are in this together.
    All my best wishes,


    Connie – All the things you are feeling right now are very normal under the circumstances. Please come by often for support and answers to questions. We are a great website for venting and screaming, when necessary! All our thoughts are with you and your husband…..Nancy


    Thanks to both your insight, my husband wish to talk to another doctor and I think we’re still in the ballpark of darn if you do or darn if you don’t…he was scared of chemo at first, but due to his age (49 yrs old) we are definitely fighting this. I will update you guys as soon as he starts treatment. Please help pray for us because I do believe in prayers…
    I’m very upset, lonely, confused and desperate….Connie


    Hi Connie, I second what Nancy said. I think if I was to weigh one against the other I personally would opt for the second opinion. Not sure that one more week would make that much difference but a different opinion might. Tough call but wishing your husband the best. Please let us know.


    Connie — I think that may be an impossible question to answer. I’m not sure anyone has accurate data. The doctors are always saying it is best to start early, but as you will see quite often on this website, 2nd and 3rd opinions are highly recommended as well. Sorry I can’t give you a straight-forward answer — I don’t believe there is one…..Nancy


    My husband was supposed to be treated on March 31 but we delayed chemo treatment due to our decision to get a second opinion and he will be scheduled to see another Oncologist on April 6th. Would that make a difference if his treatment is delayed for another week or so? Any valuable information please…


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