Stage IV Klatskin ~ Bile Duct/Liver/Lymph Nodes

Discussion Board Forums General Discussion Stage IV Klatskin ~ Bile Duct/Liver/Lymph Nodes

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  • #18755

    Sorry that you have to be here. My husband and I just found out his stints are open but the top of the biliary tree are completely closed on the right side and closing on the left. The Drs. are talking about external drainage now.
    Ask your Dr. if that is an option. I hope it gets better for you soon. They gave my husband 18 months and he is still here and fighting after 3 years.
    Don’t give up until he passes.
    God bless you and yours, you will be in my prayers as is everyone on this board.


    I’m sorry you had to find us but this is as good a place as I know to get the help and support you need.

    First and foremost get a second opinion on the surgery. Surgeons w/o CC experience almost always say a Klatskins is not resectable, but some can and will do it successfully. I’ve written this same response before. Please use the search function at the top of this page and enter ‘second opinion’. You will find help and some good advice.

    Especially be aware that you don’t have to travel long distance to get feedback from some great surgeons. Get copies of your labs, scans, radiology reports and physician reports. Get on the phone to hospitals with CC experience and ask if you can send your information to see if they will consider your dad for surgery. It isn’t always possible but for those of us fortunate enough to get it surgery it provides the best hope for extended quality and quantity of life.

    Someone must take the lead and manage this disease, the doctors, even the best ones, won’t do it for you.

    I had successful Klatskins surgery over 4 1/2 years ago.

    All the best to you, your Dad and family.




    I just joined this site and am looking for some feedback.

    My dad was diagnosed about 8 weeks ago with a klatskin tumor that is on the liver and the lymph nodes. No surgery option. We were told chemo would prolong lofe 6-12 months. Problem is that after plastic and metal stents, and a drain, the jaundice has not gotten better.

    He had plastic stents put in in November and Metal stents in December. After 6 weeks, the jaundice is still not any better and the itching has begun.
    They have not started chemo b/c of the jaundice.

    It seems like he is shutting down and the doctors are not communicating well…

    Anyone ever been in this situation?

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