Stanford Trials

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  • #56320

    I received your email about 10-15minutes ago while answering message on the board, I will give you my thoughts before tonite ends via email.
    God bless.


    I tried some cut and paste with my blackberry
    Let me know if it worked


    I did receive emails from three others but NOT you during the last 48 hours.
    I think you can get the replying my email that I sent to you a few days ago. But if your email still not get confirmed, you can copy and paste here on the web and I can answer them via e mail to you.
    Try again today and I will keep an eye on it.
    Thanks for your trust.
    God bless.


    I sent an email but I am not sure it went through. Can you confirm?



    Sandtad….to find Percy’s e-mail…scroll down the posting until you reach “recommend.” Look to left block – Email (in green) click on that and are there.
    If you encouner any problems please, let us know.


    I would be glad to give you the requested information.
    I am still on the trial and headed for treatment 14 this week
    We are getting to an interesting point as scans show reductions, but the third scan had a smaller reduction than the first two.
    Quick question how do I get the email address?


    Hi, Sandtdad,

    I need your help if i may.
    are you still on the GENOX+panitumimab trial?
    How long have you been on that trial ?
    and please tell me exactly what you think about the treatment(any pretreatment tests to exclude patients have heart problems or diabetes)
    and what is your opinion on the treatment so far like adverse reactions;and any good overall response rate.

    due to the nature of the medical history and questions I will ask is private and personal;If you can send me your response thru email thru this web site;I will deeply appreciated. If you can quote the” impression section “of your scan before the treatment starts and the quotation of the “impression remarks” of the last TWO scans and the overall assessment of the clinical trial by YOU .and how you feel about targeted therapy , I will love to hear your side of the story . especially you and I have the same kind of intrahepatic CCA.

    BTW ,I did edit the above message to include Northwestern University as the hospital in case you want to explore radioembolization. I will talk a bit more via email when the timing is right for you.
    Thanks in advance.
    God bless.



    It is a potential good approach for intrahepatic tumor for recurrence too big for RFA and after unsuccessful treatment of TACE.

    The side effects that I research on radioembo with Y90 is comparable to chemoembo with cisplatin and Adriamycin+mitomycin.

    Its effectiveness also base on the size , number and location of the tumors and the patients’ health status;
    Fatigue (40-50%) is the major side effect;nausea is second but it may only last for a week or so.The treatment is divided into 2 days.

    1st day is for the assessment of whether you can qualify for the radioembo Tx;MRI/PET/Cat will be performed at the hospital;Lab work will also be done (patients need to fast,not to eat anything the nite before) ; calculation of the radioactive Y90 dose will be done to maximize the benefit of the deliverty of the Y90.;a test run of the radioactive treatment will be done to make sure the Y90 go to the right places in stead of the stomach,lung or the intestine which will become a serious health concern.( all of these can take the whole day to do.)

    In the 2nd day ,the patient will have an angiography and the procedure will be performed by interventional radiologist in a couple hours.and after observation for another couple hours in the hospital,if all goes well,patient can go home and will be seen by the doctor in a week or a month for follow up asessment.

    In my personal opinion, as well as recommended by my 2nd opinion doctor recently, I will try radioembo with Y90 done by an EXPERIENCED interventional radiologist.(this is almost a MUST ) when the need arise;since many hospitals are now trying to have this option available to patients but most if not all,lacking the experienced radiologist to do it.
    According to my knowledge, Northwestern university intervention radiology dept. in Chicago is best known for this treatment and research. Dr. Raid Salem and his team is recommended to me by my consulting doctor too.

    a very general reference may be of help as follows;but I am sure you have already done your research.
    God bless.


    Do you have any opinion about radioembolizations. It is being discussed as a potential treatment option and i would appreciate anything you might have to share?


    thanks, I read it thru,; It adds to my knowledge about radiology.
    However, the other link for your 2nd post about Standford did not work.
    Say hi to your mum for me.
    God bless.


    Thought I would post this link on this board as well as it contains some info on current and upcoming trials.

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