starting chemo again

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    I tried to find the “like button” for gavin’s comment.



    Just don’t eat the ice cream and ride the scooter at the same time!! Sorry, couldn’t resist!!


    Cindy: Those platin drugs do that. I had to give up ice cream last summer and fall when I was on oxaliplatin. It stunk. I know I shouldn’t eat it, bacause of the sugars etc. but I don’t care. Ice cream and chocolate are what make life worth living! (and my new scooter!! heehee)
    I hope you are doing well.


    Kris, I love ice cream too, and this sounds wonderful. But, must pass on it at this time as it would make my mouth “too tingly”. LOL!



    Hi Kris,

    I hope chemo goes well for you and I’m sorry you’ve been through so much lately. Hang in there.



    Hi Kris,

    Thanks for letting us know whats happening right now with you. And like you, I hope that cycle 2 goes as smoothly as cycle 1 did for you. And a bowl of fudge mint cookie ice cream…..well that would do it for me too! Much yumminess indeed!!!




    Hi Kris and thanks for the update. I tell you, you are our “Little Engine That Could”.
    Remember? I know I can, I know I can! Tough times never last, tough people do!


    Haven’t posted for a while on here. Got thru the first week of Xeloda. And I’m on 4300mg a day. I forgot to double it.
    Made it thru with just a little additional burning and tingling in the hands and feet.
    Start cycle 2 this morning. Hope it goes as well as the first cycle! No nausea, no diarrhea, a little loss of appetite, some assorted hives that were bearable. And the tingling. I can handle all of that. I’m glad I got the week off. Gave me a break so hope the side effects aren’t too cumulative.
    I had my Gemzar infusion yesterday. It’s pretty much nothing. BUT I did wake up in the middle of the night and think I was going to get nauseous. That was the first time this has happened. Usually Gemzar just makes me lazy-tired. Hopefully it was just something I ate. Like the bowl of Fudge Mint Cookie ice cream! Ice cream is my downfall, and WOW! was this good!!!!


    Kris…neuropathy or not – smother on the cream and let’s watch this lymph node shrivel into nothing.


    I saw that. I’m mostly afraid of getting sick because I live alone. I’m not so much afraid of much else (ok, a little afraid of dying) but I don’t have anyone here to care for me if I get really sick and that scares the heck out of me.
    I’ll be on 2150 daily dose of Xeloda. That’s 8 big and 2 little ones a day. Hopefully I weather it as well as you did. I joked with the nurse about how I was supposed to feel my feet hurt and crack when I have neuropathy from the oxy?? I guess I’ll have to do a visual every day. She said at least I can laugh. What choice do I have?
    And believe me I’m having a few pity cries lately. I was SO CLOSE to resection! It was scheduled for this Wed. (the 4th).


    Kris-You are not alone, you have an amazing loving CC family who won’t go away!! have your self a good pity cry and the focus on what is important-YOU!!! I just posted that I took mega doses of XELODA for 5 months (16 pills a day) with no side effects!! There is HOPE!!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Hey, Pam:
    He has to be stupid! He decided I wasn’t important enough in his life!! How stupid can that be??
    I knew it wasn’t forever, but I don’t want to be alone. It’s scary to think about. Don’t worry: I’ll get thru it. I always do.


    Oh Kris,

    Don’t make me sad by saying stuff like that about your ex. I feel so, so bad for you. Now go get ’em with that new chemo!

    Love you,



    YEA! At least you are able to start today, good news. Now let’s hope the side effects stay away. You do sound more like the Kris I have come to know.


    Lainy no brains for there to be muscles! :)
    I’m sitting around now. The CT scan showed the fluid is way down so we are going for chemo. Pulmonary specialists have been cancelled. Doing the systemic because of the really really big lymph node. And since I still have neuropathy we can’t do oxaliplatin (I know, I could have lied). So the new plan of action is Gemzar/Xeloda. Getting Gemzar sometime today before I leave here. Getting the script for Xeloda filled here and I start the pills tomorrow. I’m pretty nervous about the side effects. Hopefully I don’t get the bad ones. I’m wondering how I’ll feel my feet hurt and crack when they always tingle and burn???? A question for the ages.

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