starting chemo again

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    Kris, I hate to say this but like I tell the newbies, once you get in to the game plan again your fright will turn to fight. Just a reminder. You are sitting around and playing the waiting game and that is nerve wracking. Kirs, go over to a Gym and look for someone with strong arms! Guess the ex also had muscles in his brains. Be strong, girl!


    This is the most frustrating experience of my life! I am now waiting for a chest CT scan so I can MAYBE get chemo and MAYBE see a pulmonary specialist on Thursday up here because the 11th is so far away. I have an appt. on the 11th by my house with a pulmonary specialist. Of course, the meeting on Thurs. is just a preliminary meeting so who knows how long it will take and how many trips up and back before I actually start getting chemo again?? Meanwhile, I saw the pics of the lymph nodes and the one is scary big!
    And yes, Lainy & Pam: the ex boyfriend isn’t worth it, but he has strong arms for when I couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. I’ll miss that…


    Thinking of you and wishing you better news in the near future.


    Kris….sometimes it helps to ask for an explanation – from the oncologist – not the boyfriend.
    Hang in there Kris; it has been a rough ride for you. You deserve an upward swing.
    Fingers crossed, tidal wave of hugs,



    Good luck with your chemo and might I just say, your boyfriend is a JERK. You deserve so much better. You are one special person, and don’t you forget it. Take care and best of luck to you.

    Love, -Pam


    My Dear Kris, guess you got your wish, you kept saying you wanted more Chemo. Next time don’t wish so hard and remind me not to have you wish for anything for me! OF course you know I am just kidding and know that I can do that with you! I am keeping everything crossed that this chemo works miracles. As for the boyfriend. Anyone who walks is not worth it to be in the running in the first place. I mean come on, he couldn’t even find you before, when he got lost. I bet he got lost again walking away! Just know I am rooting for this chemo to be magical and I hope you are feeling better. Love you!


    Tomorrow I go back into NYC to Sloan Kettering to meet with my onc and start chemotherapy again. I’m a little upset because I was trying to get her to give me some chemo for the last 3 months, if only to keep the cancer at bay. I have no idea what to expect, especially since I have this lung problem and I still have neuropathy from the oxaliplatin.
    It’s been a frustrating and nerve-wracking week with all these problems cropping up.
    I am expecting to get gemzar and possibly FUDR thru the pump, but I don’t really know. All I know is I have a party going on in my abdomen and I didn’t invite any of it. I just hope the chemo works as well this time around, without the oxaliplatin.
    Needless to say, I’m a little stressed out about what’s going on. And to make it all even better, the boyfriend decided to go away. So it was a really great week (can you see the sarcasm dripping??).

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