Stent replacement

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    I’m so happy for all of you on the news of the plastic stent. Stay tuned into us here for anything you may need.

    Happy 4th indeed.

    Linda Z.


    Thank u all, my dad called me today while I was off. My sister was with him. It was so nice to hear him talk a mile a minute. They gave him some blood to boost him up. He will get out of hospital tomorrow and then a fun 4th with the whole family. ( we have a rather small one). Hope everyone has a great fourth too. Thank u all for listening. It has really helped get through these roller coaster days.


    Happy News. I am sure he will feel better soon. It might take awhile though, but he will feel better.



    Hi Pam,

    Great news on the plastic stent! And I hope that he starts to feel a lot better very soon and that you all enjoy your time together on Saturday!

    Best wishes to you all,



    That’s brilliant news. I hope that he starts to feel better soon :)

    very best wishes to you all



    That’s great news!! Your Dad will start to feel so much better now.

    Best wishes


    Pam…….these stents are can work wonders for the well being of a patient. I am also glad to hear that it has been replaced. On to a wonderful Saturday.
    Best wishes,


    YEA! You made my day! Enjoy!


    Thank you all….and good news! My dad received a new stent tonight. (plastic) Hopefully tomorrow he will be on the road to some great days! My younger sister and her two girls are flying in from California on Saturday. We are so hopefully that our dad will enjoy their visit. It is such a relief to know he will be able to eat soon and enjoy life! Thank you all for your posts.


    Hi Pam,

    Thanks for letting us know. I hope that they manage to sort out the stent issue tonight and I am glad to hear that your dad has perked up today.

    Best wishes to you and your dad,



    Oh, Pam, I am so relieved that you did that. Now you play the wait and see game and hopefully a new stent is the answer. Sending good thoughts your way.


    Thanks all….we took my dad back to er after much discussion with him. His biliruben level was 17. Last week when he was in hospital it was 5. The doctors are going to scope him tonight and if the stent has indeed gone bad they will replace it with another plastic temporary stent. They do not believe they can get a metal one in there long enough. If they are unable to get another plastic one in place they will consider an outside bag. If they see that the stent is draining they will do nothing. They have told us the cancer is very advanced and this my be the course and we would go home with hospice. I will say after some iv fluids my dad has perked up. They are also giving him pain meeds through iv. He just doesn’t want this to be another long hospital stay. As for know doctor appts. Are on hold. Thank you again.


    Hi Pam

    Sorry to hear that your Dad is feeling so bad. I haven’t really got anything new to add as the others have said all that I would have done. Just to reiterate about writing down questions, but also write down the answers ! It is so easy to forget what the doctors have said even though it seems clear at the time.
    I hope that they manage to give your Dad some relief today, or at least put some sort of timetable in place for doing it. If his bilirubin is rising then surely it is his stent that is not working and they should be replacing it or at least looking into what is happening.
    I have learnt the hard way with my Mum that if in doubt go to the ER. The first time it happened we didn’t think it was worth it but she ended up in hospital for 5 days and felt really ill for nearly 2 weeks, whereas if we’d gone immediately she felt unwell she would have been in and out in a couple of days.
    best wishes


    Thank you all…..When we left Ochsner’s hospital my dad had one day at home. He was very jaundice and had low bp and high pulse. My sister and I took him to ER and he was admitted for another week. The blood cultures came back positive for infection and IV antibiotics were given. The stent is an issue. The doctors said they believed it may have gotten moved around a bit during surgery and could have gotten sludge in it. They gave him scans and said it was still draining. After many days of discussion, the doctors signed off to let him out of the hospital and said that his levels were going to be elevated. Unfortunately, we have seen the bile overload worsen in the past few days since being at home. The home health nurse feels certain the internist and onoclogist will address it this week. Hopefully he will receive a new stent and be feeling better. I feel we are in a little bit of “pass the buck” situation. I will update his condition after we see the doctor tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion of writing questions down. I will ask my dad tonight what he would want to ask too. Thank you again.


    Pam, I fully concur with Andie. Your dad needs immediate relief from the bile issue as it only gets worse if not tended to. Jaundice, itching, dark urine, the way he feels has a lot to do with the bile not draining. Sounds like the stent is more than clogged. I would have taken Teddy to ER and had him admitted. Good news is that when the bile stent is fixed, in just a few days your dad will be doing much, much better.

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