stent replacement

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    Kandre, At first my husband had plastic stents. The first ones were exchanged five weeks later. Then they were able to put a larger diameter stent in and exchanged that 8 weeks later. Eight weeks later again he had another exchange, this time metal wire mesh stents. Our dr. told us these were permanent and they should last 6-9 months, then he might need the external drain. The reason being he told us is that the tumor can grow through the mesh. They had such a hard time getting the stent in the first time because the tumor had completely blocked both ducts off. The third replacement was tough too because he had been doing chemo and the dr. siad the chemo makes the ducts less pliable and the tumor had contorted the ducts more. The stents have worked wonderful in keeping his bilirubin down, although usually after every procedure he gets infection and needs antibiotics. I hope your husband can come home soon and feels better. This disease stinks!


    Kendre, your husband is moving along in a good way and that is all great news. To chemo or not to chemo is our biggest question on here but what ever decision is made….it will be the right one. I am lookingforward to hearing that your husband comes home!


    Hi Marion

    The metal stents were replaced with new stents. His Biliruben came down from 280 to 150 at the moment, They only going to draw blood on Monday again.



    Kandre…please keep us posted. I do have a question though, are the metal stents physically removed or are they replaced with new stents?
    Hang in there,


    hi all of you

    My husband does have metal stents in. They replaced it for the 3rd time now.
    Reading all your comments confirms what the doctor is saying. Stents need to be replaced on a regular basis from now. I will look out for the fever, chills and yellow.

    My husband had 10months of chemo and 25 days of radiation. He is scared of chemo now. It is his choice and I can only support him.

    He is still in hospital, they check the stents on Monday again and then will they arrange for them to be capped. Not sure when we can go home .

    Will keep you posted.



    kandrie-I had 9 stent changes in the 9 months I was diagnosed, treated and transplanted. My doctors were so good in trusting me to know when, I usually could tell by shoulder blade pain, itchy or nasuea. I had 2 within 1 weeks of each other one time. I was never able to go the 3 months, as planned.
    Lots of prayers- Cathy


    Kande…the three months span of plastic stent exchange is in the normal range. The metal stent Andi spoke of lasts longer.
    Your husband’s bilirubin should drop significantly.
    All my best wishes,


    My Dad had metal stents and they couldn’t be replaced. When they became blocked they clean them out and extended the stents. He went through this procedure 3 times during April to September. In the end they had to fit an external drain. He coped well with this.

    Is your husband going to have chemo? We were told chemo could either stabilize or shrink the tumor. This could help the stent as the tumor can push the stent inwards and restrict bile flow, hence the jaundice.

    Sending best wishes to you both



    At some point your hubby may have to have the internal stent removed and have an external stent with a bag to collect the excess bile so it does not back up into his system. An external stent works quite well, my hubby had one for two years before he passed on 11/20/2011.

    He had an internal stents just prior and after his left liver resection, but they removed/replaced that stent a few times and then removed it. Initally after his resection he also had 2 external drain bags which he had for 7 1/2 months.

    After he re-occurred, they were unable to get a stent internalized at the site of the new tumor because the tumor was either blocking the bile duct or had destroyed it. So again they put in an external drain bag. I took care of that for two years, flushing it every day, cleaning the wound and the skin and putting a clean bandage over it. Never in 2 years did his skin break down. (Good antiseptic! And Good Wife!)

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Go with God and KEEP KICKIN’ THAT cancer.



    Both stents were repaced. Only 3 months after the last one’s. Why is this happening? The doctor is saying that the tumor is growing. Can that be the reason and are we going to this on a regular basis now?



    Hi Kandre,

    I hope that your husbands stent exchange goes well and I will keep my fingers crossed for him. Hopefully once the new stent is in place then that will deal with the jaundice.

    Best wishes to you both,



    Kendre, Teddy never followed a monthly protocol for stent exchange either. They tried for every 2 -3 months but sometimes it had to be done earlier. The yellow will eventually leave but it takes a while. I used to tell him, “You know I don’t like you in yellow”! Best of luck!


    For people who want to know more about stent and which to choose,
    It may be of interest to listen to the answering segment on the video presentation on this web site, “review of CCA” on aug 3,2011. and listen to the doctor’s opinion.( the last 17 min of the whole program)
    He also has other interesting comments about other issues ofCCA which I found the answers are candid and practical .
    God bless.


    Hi there, just to update you all, my hubby is having a stent replacement tomorrow morning, the second in three months.

    He is looking ok, except for being very yellow.

    I am thinking of you all on this web going through this cancer.

    plse stay strong

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