Stent replacement

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    Kris….glad you made it through the stent change without major problems. So happy for you.


    Oh, yeah my body is letting me know it! Bilirubin is still within normal limits, but barely. And alkaline phosphates is sky high. My care team had to discuss with the trial sponsor to keep me in the trial.
    Thanks for the info on your mom. Hopefully it only lasts one night for me.


    My mother complained about acid reflux off and on at times. I’m assuming you had an ERCP, and those always did a number her for the first 12 to 24 hours.

    One of the gruff GI doctors who did one of the procedures real stressed to me that it may not seem like it but an ERCP is a major procedure and was very hard on her. So that’s what I would say, your body was pretty severely messed with, so its probably pissed off and letting you know it.


    Cookie, I can’t be of help on this subject as Teddy had stent replacements OFTEN and Never had a problem. With that said I would let them know. T always thought it was not the procedure but the one who was doing it and he would always ask for the same guy.


    I had my first of many (God willing) stent replacements today. The pain is minimal… A wonderful change from the first time. But my throat feels like someone took a hacksaw to the inside of my throat.
    I layed down for a nap, and the acid reflux-like symptoms started again. I DONT have acid reflux.
    Does anyone else have vomit in the back of their throat after this procedure?

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