Stent replacement and diet

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    Hi Jen, You have got me stumped on the cataract lenses. As far as metal and MRI’s, I have titainium rods and screws in my back and have been getting MRI’s for years. It does cause a lot of metal artifact blurring of images surrounding that area. They are primarily concerned about loose metals, like srap metal that could cause internal injuries from moving around is what I have been told. Hope all went okay with MRCP?

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    Hi Kris, Sounds quite logical to me. I know when I eat a lot od dairy products my liver goes in to pain . So, I backed off quite a bit and even if IO’m going to have milk in my cereal I take a dairy enzyme/lactose tablet.
    Nice to be reading your posts again.
    Red or white tonight? Ha!
    Jeff G.


    My husband has to avoid all dairy products. He had his stent removed but he still has problems if he eats too much. I think dairy causes a buildup of mucous which clogs the stent. He also avoids fried foods and does not eat much meat. Lots of fruits and vegetables are best. Best wishes, Mary


    Both my brother and father were told to avoid too much fatty food…because the liver produces enzymes that break those down in the stomach…more fatty food ingested means more enzyme is required to break down the fat…which means (i think) more bile flowing through the bile duct into the stomach.


    I have a severe problem with dairy and sugar. Whenever I eat them, I feel terrible…but sometimes I just cant resist! Just my wild guess, that these types of food require more bile to digest and so my liver goes into production overdrive and then the bile irritates my liver, bile ducts and stomach….just a thought.



    By the way, I do plan on asking the nurse who works with his oncologist at Fox Chase these questions about diet this coming Tuesday, but I know the folks here have some golden advice.

    This Tuesday at 8 am, Dad has an MRCP at Abington Hospital, since that is where his Keystone 65 says he must go; we already tried getting it done at Fox Chase to keep things simply and efficient.

    Previously Abington did not want to do MRIs on him because he has steel in his belly from an operation in the late ’70s.

    Fox Chase insists that he will be fine through the imaging. In fact, the script has written on it, “metal clips okay.” Hopefully Abington will go along since the doctor at Fox Chase insisted that the MRCP is essential to determining surgery.

    As far as MRIs, dad was also asked about his cataract surgeries in both eyes around ’92. We were told that the lens used in cataract surgeries by that time would not pose problems for the MRI.


    Hi folks!

    Dad was diagnosed on 7.29.08 after he wound up at Abington Hospital with severe jaundice and fatigue. The jaundice was being caused by a deflated biliary duct, which we later learned was no longer functioning because of the cholangio.

    Through August, I managed to get him into Jefferson University Hospital for treatment, where Dr. Mitchell proposed chemo with possibly surgery to follow if it was needed. The port installation and the start of chemo would have been next week, had we decided to stick with Jefferson. Doesn’t it seem the timing of appointments and the time in between is such an incredible waste of opportunity?

    Instead of Jefferson, my dad wants to go with Fox Chase, who saw us on 8.28.08. Initially, we were scheduled to see surgeon John Hoffman on August 20, but dad’s stent failed on Aug. 19, requiring nearly a week-long hospitalization at Abington to replace the temporary stent and to treat the blood infection. Fox Chase refused to do a bed-to-bed transfer, despite my best effort and those of his doctors at Abington, because dad had not yet been processed as a Fox Chase patient. At least, dad is in the Fox Chase system now.

    However, the surgeon and radiologist at Fox Chase will not see him until September 10. I am just about beside myself with realizing the impact of time on how the tumors progress and ruin his chances day by day.

    Dad will never get to those appointments on September 10 if his stent fails before then, and then I fear that we have truly missed the “golden hour” for intervention. We absolutely need this stent to last so that time is not lost to a replacement procedure and treating the infection.

    Is there a diet that my dad can follow so that the secretions (is that the right word) are less likely to clog his stent and cause a malfunction? I guess he should stay away from foods cooked in saturated animal fats? I’m just guessing here.

    Right now, I’m searching through these forums and elsewhere to find the best diet for him. It seems B12 is hard to absorb for people with CC, yet it is essential. Also it seems that potassium and sodium become an issue, and these are also dietary needs I have to figure out.

    Any guidance on a diet to help this temporary stent last through to his surgery would be great.

    Thank you.

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